ALF: Animal Liberation Front attack against police in spain


The Animal Liberation Front, Frente Liberación Animal (FLA), broke the glass of a police car in Medinaceli, regio Coria, Spain. It was our opinion to burn the car, but there were too many people on the street, so too dangerous!  Next time our reaction will be stronger!


The Spanish Animal Liberation Front, Frente Liberación Animal (FLA), broke the glass of a police car in Medinaceli, regio Coria, Spain.
The Okupa movement was doing a direct action in Medinaceli against the torture in the event called ‘el Toro Jubilo’.
The bullfighters use fire on the bull for this cruel event. After the event they kill this wonderful animal.

The Police, Guardia Civil use a lot of violence against our activists. The ALF members, give this reaction to the violence.
‘If you use violence against us, or against our friends, the animals than you have to pay the price!’
It was our opinion to burn the car, but there were too many people on the street, so too dangerous!
Next time our reaction will be stronger!
Direct action is the only one option against animal torture!
Frente Liberación Animal

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