Announcing Ill Will Editions, a Multilingual Zine Project


Ill Will Editions is a relatively new multilingual zine-making project currently based in Berlin. Our focus is on anarchy, anti-politics, proletarian insurrection, trans-feminism, afropessimism, anti-prison & anti-cop activity. We envision this project as a contribution to a transatlantic circulation of theory, local analyses, and exchange around the varied forms that revolt and rebellion has taken and will continue to take.

Everything we publish can be downloaded in readable and printable PDF versions on our blog:

Since we emphasize the importance of translation into multiple languages for a wider perspective, we invite collaborations from folks interested in contributing translations or texts they think should be in another language. To get in touch, write

Selected titles:
“‘We’re trying to destroy the world’ — Anti-Blackness & Police Violence After Ferguson; An Interview with Frank B. Wilderson, III”

“Some Remarks on the Need for Open Assemblies in Berlin”, by Anonymous

“Criminal Queers Support Ohlauer Rebels”, by Anonymous

“Inkognito – Erfahrungen der Verbannung”, by Anonymous

“Women, Witchhunts, & the Reproduction of the Capitalist World – A Conversation with Silvia Federici” / “Caliban und die Hexe – Interview und Übersetzung mit der Autorin Silvia Federici”

“The Black Liberation Army & the Paradox of Political Engagement”, by Frank Wilderson

“Indeseables deseables” / “Desirable Undesirables”, by Zé Garcia Puga

“Bringt eure Toten raus” [Bring out your dead]”, by Endnotes

“”Escalating Identity: Die Politik der Sicherheit, staatliche Aneignung & Aktivismus gegen Unterdrückung”, by Croatoan Collective

“Kommuniqué aus einer ausbleibenden Zukunft: Der Tod des studentischen Lebens”, by Research & Destroy

Coming soon:
“Accomplices, pas d’allies” (French translation of “Accomplices Not Allies”), by Anonymous

“Self-Defense & Judicial Strategy”, by Michel Foucault

“The Prison Slave as Hegemony’s (Silent) Scandal”, by Frank Wilderson

“‘La position du laissé-pour-compte’ (French translation), Saidiya Hartman & Frank Wilderson

and more….


  2. ‘We’re trying to destroy the world’ — Anti-Blackness & Police Violence After Ferguson. “Police brutality has never identified our problem. Our problem is one of complete captivity from birth to death, and coercion as the starting point of our interaction with the State and with ordinary white citizens.”READ / PRINT
  3. “[They say to us], ‘You, Black person, must demonstrate to me that I am unethical in my actions.’ Yet, they wouldn’t hold any other paradigm of oppression to that high of a bar. They wouldn’t say that the White French people living in Algeria have to be destroyed because they are unethical in their actions. They would say that they have to be destroyed because they are present, because they are here. They wouldn’t say, ‘Well you know, there’s some good capitalists and some bad capitalists.’ They would say, ‘the capitalist as a category has to be destroyed’. What freaks them out about an analysis of anti-Blackness is that this applies to the category of the Human, which means that they have to be destroyed regardless of their performance, or of their morality, and that they occupy a place of power that is completely unethical, regardless of what they do. And they’re not going to do that. Because what are they trying to do? They’re trying to build a better world. What are we trying to do? We’re trying to destroy the world. Two irreconcilable projects.”
  4. An Interview with Frank B. Wilderson, III
  5. 25 Nov
  6. “The ‘Black Queer’ does not and cannot exist. […] ‘Blackness’ is the ontological position of the derelict object, unredeemable, and ‘Queerness’ is the site of a subjectivity pushed to its limit—pushed, but yet within the scope of humanity. The two positions are not reconcilable, and when they do intersect, the result is fatal. The suffering of anti-gay violence is within the world; we have a grammar to capture its horror. The ‘suffering’ of the black-object is not of this world—it sustains the world, but is not of it—and the ‘suffering’ of this object lacks a proper grammar. The ‘being’ situated at the site of this violence is what we call a ‘black queer’, but it is a ‘being’ that does not exist within the onto-existential horizon, and if we insist on the ‘existence’ of this being it inhabits such a low frequency that its existence becomes inconsequential.”
  8. 25 Nov
    In the wake of the State of Missouri’s reconfirmation yesterday of the social and civil death of Black bodies, we are releasing two new zines addressing questions of identity, police and gender violence, and coalition politics from an afropessimist perspective. We hope these texts will push all of us presently engaged in revolt and rebellion against the state, capital and all authority to sharpen our understanding of the symbolic and material mechanisms that reproduce anti-Blackness and ontological death, and thereby to widen the antagonism that animates our relation to the existent. If the destruction of anti-Blackness reaches beyond the question of hierarchy, of exploitation and even of racism per se, ultimately embracing the entirety of civil society and the social production of ethical ‘Humanity’ and legitimacy as such, what does it mean to let this insight orient our disposition, to convert it into gesture, into an act? We hope that circulating these writings and interviews will contribute in some small way to a more widespread reflection on these questions.
  9. 20 Nov
    Ill Will Editions will be tabling at the Carrboro Anarchist Bookfair this weekend. We will be releasing two new zines, distro-ing all of our English and Spanish language titles, as well as a few other favorites old and new.
  11. 3 Nov
  12. “Some Remarks” was published anonymously on Indymedia in December of 2013. Although its authors clearly intended it as an intervention into the local anarchist / autonomous scene, it seems to us sufficiently portable to be of potential interest to others elsewhere. A German version is here (IWE version coming soon).
  13. From the text:   PRINT / READ
  14. “We need a scale of organization that is larger than affinity groups, yet looser and less defined than single issue campaigns or formal organizations. There needs to be a middle ground between these two, and this is lacking at the moment. […] Yet, at the same time, for us it is important to avoid setting up another once-a-month routine that becomes simply one more plenum. Another ritual that quickly starts to feel bureaucratic, lifeless, and dominated by the same voices that already dominate conversation within the ‘left scene’ in Berlin. […] [W]e would like to suggest that what we need to develop is not one ‘general assembly’ that starts to look more and more like an umbrella organization, but rather a culture of general assemblies in Berlin: the open assembly not as a once a month meeting, but as one of our basic forms of self-organization. By contrast, it seems like all too often in Berlin the instinct of the autonomist/anarchist milieu is to rely on relatively closed processes and closed meetings for planning actions, developing ideas, and engaging with existing struggles. ”
  15. 30 Jun
  16. Criminal Queers Support Ohlauer Rebels A quote from the communiqué: At the same time, we have sensed a certain discord between the content of such actions and the form of some of the language used to describe them. A discourse of “nonviolence” and “human rights” keeps resurfacing, one which has made a point of distancing itself from “criminals”. We find the refugees’ rebellious actions inspiring, but we won’t position ourselves against those who are structurally criminalized. We count ourselves as among those for whom today’s prisons are built, and don’t wish to portray ourselves as innocent or blameless…on the contrary. We do not strive to legitimate or represent ourselves within the existent. We see this as a losing game, which ultimately serves only to demarcate who is killable and rapable, while positioning the State as an ally.”
  17. READ / PRINT
  18. “We do not speak in place of, or wish to speak over the voices of the folks occupying the Ohlauerstrasse school. The actions of these rebels have echoed loudly and powerfully from Berlin to Istanbul, Athens and beyond. To threaten to burn down a building and jump off the roof seems to us to say:“revolt or death”. The occupiers’ threats to the city and cops express a clear refusal to passively submit to the fate set out for them, and a choice to instead use their bodies to enforce their survival. For nearly a week now the occupiers have endured constant police harassment on the roof, while rejecting as misleading and insufficient every empty “offer” from the city. For these actions we have only respect and admiration.
  19. This is a communique for a banner drop in solidarity with refugees fighting for their lives in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin. It was published on Indymedia on June 30, 2014, and is signed by “Some criminal queers and accomplices”. For more background on the struggle around the refugee-squatted school at Ohlauerstrasse, see the Ohlauer Infopoint blog here.  There is also a useful timeline of the first 5 days of events in English here.
  20. 22 Jun
  21. Inkognito – Erfahrungen der VerbannungFrom the introduction: READ / PRINT
  22. “Dieses Buch handelt vom Leben im Verborgenen. Es sticht durch die Dunkelheit und springt in die Geheimnisse des Unerkannten, des Inkognito, einem Paralleluniversum in dem sogar das was gesagt werden könnte, oftmals nicht aus- gesprochen wird. Sei es aus übermäßigem Taktgefühl, Angst oder weil gedacht wird, es sei nicht relevant. Oder in bestimmten Milieus und in den härtesten Fällen aufgrund bloßer politischer Taktik. Doch selbst auf den ersten Blick erscheint die Welt der Klandestinen nicht wie eine Wüstenlandschaft, im Gegenteil, sie ist bewohnt von lebenden Wesen, Erfahrungen und Ideen, welche unseren sehr nahe stehen, in sowohl den elendsten als auch den faszinierendsten Aspekten un- seres Lebens, nahe unserer feurigsten Begehren und leidenschaftlichsten Tagträume.”
  23. A German translation of “Experiences of Banishment”, the final chapter from the anonymous collection Incognito: Experiences That Defy Identification, published by Elephant Editions in 2007. An English version is available here and here.
  24. 9 Jun
    Fixed a couple files that were incorrectly formatted in some way, or had mistakes. Everything should print properly now—hopefully.
  25. Our print versions are formatted in A4 size by default. If someone would like an US Letter (8.5” x 11”) sized version, or otherwise has trouble printing stuff, just let us know.
  26. 19 May
  27. “Indeseables deseables”, a Spanish translation of “Desirable Undesirables” by Zé Garcia Puga.
  28. READ / PRINT
  29. 19 May
  30. An interview with Silvia Federici, conducted by Labournet in Berlin in 2012 on the occasion of the German translation of Caliban and the Witch – Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation. It provides a useful summary of the main theses of Caliban, and an overview of Federici’s political background and interests. The original interview can be found on Labournet’s website.
  31. READ / PRINT