Video Shows Salinas Police Hitting Man on Ground

A video was posted to Youtube that shows a group of five officers with the Salinas Police Department violently hitting a man they have pinned to the ground during an arrest on North Main Street on June 5. Even though the man is on the ground and not moving, officers can still be seen hitting him with clubs. A Youtube user by the name of Richard Boxing uploaded the video with the title, “Salinas Police Wrong.” The video was originally uploaded to:

n a press release dated June 6, the Salinas Police Department released the name of the man who was arrested as being Jose Velasco, age 28. The press release also states that Velasco was tased by the officers.

Police say they were dispatched to North Main Street for a male who was, “screaming, running into traffic and jumping on cars,” and that he was “reported” to be, “trying to throw a woman (who turned out to be his mother) into traffic in front of cars,” according to the press release. The police give conflicting information in the press release, and also say that, “the victim had also called in about her son running in traffic.”

The press release can be viewed at:



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