Category Archives: DE

Brandenburg, Germany: Huba’s trial on March 22nd at the court in Cottbus


background to Hambach forest activist Huba in jail:

Sara has been found guilty by the municipal court Cottbus (trial from the 29.01.16) to have committed shoplifting of goods of low value. The penalty has been extraordinary high, instead of the usual fine she has been sentenced to 2 months of prison. She gave notice of appeal against the verdict of the local court.
Continue reading Brandenburg, Germany: Huba’s trial on March 22nd at the court in Cottbus

Paris: And we broke everything


(End of the PS [Socialist Party] – Birth of our strength. Photos via Attaque.)

Communique via Nantes Indymedia on March 22nd:

Today, after a gathering that promised to be less worse than others – with its “more radical than me, you die” people, its students-dents-dents, its tiqqunists re-reconverted to the insurrection, its “but after all the students, the UNEF [National Union of Students] and the NPA [Anti-capitalist New Party] aren’t that bad” – we went to the demo. Those annoyed, numerous on the joyous march, destroyed adverts, put bins across the road and set them on fire, destroyed the 20 bank and insurance branches passed on the route, without forgetting around a dozen Post Office and RATP [Paris transport] trucks which had their windows exploded… this isn’t a complete list.
Continue reading Paris: And we broke everything

[A-Radio in English] International Anarchist Radio show: April 3, 2016!


On Sunday, the 3rd of April 2016, the participants of the International Gathering of Anarchist and Anti-authoritarian Radios that is taking place in Berlin, Germany, will do a 4 hour live radio broadcast that can be listen to through an online stream (links below!).
Continue reading [A-Radio in English] International Anarchist Radio show: April 3, 2016!

Skill Sharing Camp im Rheinland 2016


Seit fast genau 4 Jahren ist der Hambacher Forst im Rheinischen-Braunkohlerevier bei Köln besetzt. Dies ist ein Zeichen um die gefräßigen Bagger der Braunkohleindustrie zu stoppen und somit auch ein Zeichen für eine besseres Klima und einen Systemwandel. Für direkten Widerstand braucht es Menschen mit vielfältigen Fähigkeiten und kreativen Ideen um der Repressionsmacht ein Schritt voraus zu sein.

Deshalb laden wir alle zum Skill Sharing Camp vom 25. März bis 3. April 2016 ein, um sich 10 Tage lang gegenseitig Fähigkeiten beizubringen, erlernen und auszuprobieren.
Continue reading Skill Sharing Camp im Rheinland 2016

Action Day Potsdam 27. April


Vor einigen Wochen haben Refugees gemeinsam mit jungen deutschsprachigen Menschen ein Bündnis gegründet, dass sich für Solidarität und Freiheit für alle einsetzt. Als Auftakt findet am 27. April ein Aktionstag statt. Alle sind herzlich eingeladen, sich daran zu beteiligen. Egal, ob auf der Demonstration oder mit individuellen Aktionen gegen Diskriminierung.
Continue reading Action Day Potsdam 27. April

[A-Radio in English] Belarus: Former anarchist prisoner about his experiences on how to survive jail


The following recording has been made by the Anarchist Group Dortmund (in cooperation with A-Radio Berlin) during a presentation on March 6, 2016.

In it the former anarchist prisoner from Belarus Mikalai Dziadok shares his prison experiences and gives some advice on how to survive the jail.
Total helplessness, psychological pressure, stupid convicts‘ laws, ever-lasting prison terms – this is what Belarusian prison is made of.
Continue reading [A-Radio in English] Belarus: Former anarchist prisoner about his experiences on how to survive jail

Hamburg: Churches desecrated in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar

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  In the early hours of March 20th 2016, unknown persons desecrated three churches in Hamburg with a fire extinguisher filled with paint, slingshot and stone. In addition to this vandalism, slogans such as “No God – No State – No patriarchy”, “Solidarity with Mónica and Francisco” and circle-A’s were spray-painted. Flyers were thrown on the streets, reading: “Religion means oppression! Against every domination! Solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, anarchists imprisoned in Spain”.
Continue reading Hamburg: Churches desecrated in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar

Hamburg: Churches desecrated in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar

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In the early hours of March 20th 2016, unknown persons desecrated three churches in Hamburg with a fire extinguisher filled with paint, slingshot and stone. In addition to this vandalism, slogans such as “No God – No State – No patriarchy”, “Solidarity with Mónica and Francisco” and circle-A’s were spray-painted. Flyers were thrown on the streets, reading: “Religion means oppression! Against every domination! Solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, anarchists imprisoned in Spain”.

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