Category Archives: DE

Zurich: Greek consulate attacked in solidarity with comrades who stand 2nd instance trial in Greece


attack // solidarity greetings

In the night between the 23rd and 24th April, the Greek consulate was attacked in Zurich (Bellerivestrasse 67). The facade was embellished with paint and a waste container burst into flames.

Fire to the prisons and a society that needs them!

If freedom is a crime, let us all turn to crime…

solidarity with all prisoners

German | Greek

Heavy attack on high-voltage cable in Hambach (Germany)

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On the evening of 23 April a group of saboteurs set fire to high-voltage cables at the Hambach site, preventing the place from working. Hambach forest is the scene of a protracted ecological battle against the company RWE, which is aiming to destroy the forest for coal mining. The construction operation will now suffer huge financial losses due to the successful arson.

Find the communique in German here:


[HH] Breite Straße Prozess Tag 17 – eine weitere Befragung (BFE)


Halbach gibt zu Beginn bekannt, dass dem Antrag der Verteidigung, eine Videosequenz erneut zu sichten – dieses mal in Zeitlupe – am nächsten oder übernächsten Prozesstag nachgekommen wird. Es geht um die Stellen, an der eine Person mit Mateflasche in der Hand an Fenstern zu sehen ist.
Continue reading [HH] Breite Straße Prozess Tag 17 – eine weitere Befragung (BFE)

Indefinite Detention in Germany: Letter from Thomas Meyer-Falk


Letter from Thomas Meyer-Falk, a comrade who has been imprisoned in Germany since 1996 for bank robbery to fund political struggles.
In 1933 the Nazis passed the Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals, allowing the courts to indefinitely imprison “habitual criminals” if they consider the person to be dangerous to society: so since 1933 the state can keep people in prison after their regular sentence has finished. In the 50s, the High Court of GDR (East Germany) declared that the law had to be overruled, because it was a “Nazi concept”, but such doubts never existed in West Germany; the Federal Constitutional Court has always accepted PD (Preventative Detention).
However in 2011 the courts declared the conditions in the PD prisons to be a violation of the German constitution. The inmates have finished their sentences, the court said, so their living conditions have to be better than in a regular prison, and the state has to do its best to ensure that any inmate gets a realistic chance for parole as soon as possible, also offering therapy to the inmates.
Continue reading Indefinite Detention in Germany: Letter from Thomas Meyer-Falk

Frankfurt, Germany: Wild demo with an attack on the French consulate


Yesterday [April 19th] in the early evening, around 100 people demonstrated in solidarity with the struggling youths in France during a wild demonstration through [the district of] Bockenheim. For weeks now, thousands of people in France take to the streets against the “labour law“.
Continue reading Frankfurt, Germany: Wild demo with an attack on the French consulate

Radio Libertad


Radio Libertad – die Nachrichtensendung der Anarchistischen Gruppe Mannheim


Der einen oder dem anderen von Euch ist es vielleicht schon aufgefallen: Radio Libertad ist nicht mehr auf Sendung!

Leider war uns der Prozess, eine regelmäßige Radiosendung zu machen, irgendwann doch zuviel. Interessante Themen finden, passende Musik aussuchen, rechtzeitig Vorproduzieren oder pünktlich im Sender sein –  das konnten wir irgendwann nicht mehr zuverlässig gewährleisten. Und bevor laufend Wiederholungen ausgestrahlt werden, haben wir den Sendeplatz 2015 freigegeben.
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