Category Archives: FR

Consulats d’Italie attaqués en solidarité avec les compagnon-nes No TAV en procès – 22 mai 2014 [Lyon/Grenoble/Chambéry]


Le consulat d’Italie visé par les anti Lyon-Turin

La façade a été taguée et de l’huile et du goudron ont été renversés sur le bâtiment du 6e arrondissement de Lyon, 5 rue du Commandant Faurax.
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[Paris-Montreuil] Sabotage incendiaire en solidarité avec les prisonniers anarchistes en Italie – 13 et 18 mai 2014


mardi 13 mai, un utilitaire SPIE est incendié rue de Mouzaïa (dans le XIX), puis un véhicule ONET Sécurité le dimanche 18 rue Kleber à Montreuil (93).

Parce que ces deux entreprises participent au contrôle social avec leurs caméras et leurs vigiles.

Solidarité avec les anarchistes emprisonné.e.s en Italie

Liberté pour Adriano et Gianluca

Liberté pour Nicola et Alfredo

Liberté pour Mario, Alberto, Luca et Francesco (et bonne route à Vincenzo)

Liberté pour tous.tes !



Call to all squatters, antifascists and everyone else to support the struggle in Calais! (en/fr)


Emergency situation in Calais!
All squats and camps will be evicted in the next few days!
On May 27th, the three main camps of Calais will be destroyed by the police. More than 600 people live in these camps, which were won through constant migrant struggle after a long series of evictions. No solution has been proposed for the evicted migrants. Moreover, a social center and two further squats are up for eviction starting on May 30th. All told, more than 800 people will be put on to the street.
Continue reading Call to all squatters, antifascists and everyone else to support the struggle in Calais! (en/fr)



La nostra vita scorre nei campi. Campi di lavoro. Campi rieducativi. Campi di consumo. Campi di divertimento. Campi di reclusione. In tutti questi campi, viene applicata la stessa logica: renderci obbedienti e farci contribuire al progresso della società attuale. Far funzionare la macchina sociale. Poco importa dove essa vada. Poco importa che distrugga tante vite. Poco importa che trasformi tutti in prigionieri. L’importante è esserci, parteciparvi, non metterla in discussione e perfino acclamarla. A testa bassa, col cervello annichilito, col cuore pietrificato, e andare avanti.
Continue reading NON RESTIAMO A BRACCIA CONSERTE…(it/fr)

Appendix to an aborted debate on attack and anonimity (en/it/fr)


debate is the in-depth exploration of a certain question through the confrontation between two or more sides, each one with their own position. Unlike those who think that debates are to be avoided as to not provoke divisions, we think that they have to be nourished. Because the goal of a debate is not to declare a winner before whom all have to bend the knee, but to enrich the conscience of each one. Debates clarify the ideas. The enunciation of and the confrontation between different ideas – a debate is exactly this! – elucidates the dusky parts and indicates the weak points of these ideas.
Continue reading Appendix to an aborted debate on attack and anonimity (en/it/fr)

The Tyranny of the Clock (en/fr)


By George Woodcock (March 1944)

In no characteristic is existing society in the West so sharply distinguished from the earlier societies, whether of Europe or the East, than in its conception of time. To the ancient Chinese or Greek, to the Arab herdsman or Mexican peon of today, time is represented in the cyclic processes of nature, the alternation of day and night, the passage from season to season. The nomads and farmers measured and still measure their day from sunrise to sunset, and their year in terms of the seedtime and harvest, of the falling leaf and the ice thawing on the lakes and rivers.
Continue reading The Tyranny of the Clock (en/fr)

Les Tanneries déménagent (Dijon)



L’Espace autogéré des Tanneries se lance dans une nouvelle aventure et déménage fin 2014. Après de longues négociations avec la municipalité, nous sommes aujourd’hui parvenu·e·s à un accord. Les Tanneries renaîtront dans un ancien hangar industriel de 900m2 entouré de 4000m2 de friche boisée au sud de Dijon. La Mairie s’est engagée pour un bail de 12 ans renouvelable.

Continue reading Les Tanneries déménagent (Dijon)