Category Archives: Place

Amsterdam: The Rise and Death of the Just City of Amsterdam


The Story of Op de Valreep, A Squatted Social Centre in Amsterdam Oost
Urban planning was once – perhaps at its best, defined by Patsy Healey as “managing our coexistence in shared spaces.” Planning for co-existence first and foremost requires recognition of differences and antagonisms in the city. Different publics have different interests as well as different amounts of power in society and decision-making processes. The state apparatus, operating within a context of power and inequality, thus adopts persuasive, co-optative, and sometimes repressive measures to respond to all these different vectors of pressure.
Continue reading Amsterdam: The Rise and Death of the Just City of Amsterdam

Spazio Edo – Libreria Infoshop (Lugano)




Un luogo dove le menti libere che

passano da queste parti trovano un punto

di approdo. Un’officina di scambio, di

saperi, di discussione, di incontri che si

                         intrecciano dando vita e forma ad attività

                        che portano ad una crescita personale

                        attraverso una critica dell’esistente.
Continue reading Spazio Edo – Libreria Infoshop (Lugano)

Incontro+ Cena Sociale+ Concerto Hc



Incontro+ Cena Sociale+ Concerto Hc (Esalazione+Mucopus+TSO)

Ore 17.00 Incontro tra valli (Incontro tra realtà che si autogestiscono e autoproducono con scambio semi)
Ore 19.00 Cena sociale (Cous cous + verdurealla griglia)
Ore 21.00 Concerto (Esalazione (Ge) + Mucopus (To)+ TSO (Bi))

in Via Castellazzo 10010 Ivrea (torino)