Category Archives: Place

Bruxelles: présentation du squat de meufs La Sale Coiff’


Ça fait 6 mois que nous avons ouvert un squat de meufs à Bruxelles, un ancien salon de coiffure dont nous avons relancé l’activité quelques dimanches par mois.
Durant ces permanences coiffures des gens du quartier, des punks queer, des anarcha-féministes, des personnes “sans-papiers”, des enfants, des militant.e.s,… se croisent, se rencontrent autour d’une permanente, d’une décoloration ou d’une coupe destroy.
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La OkupaChe: Defending an Autonomous Space


There’s a liberated territory on the campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico – UNAM). It’s called the Che Guevara Auditorium. Known as the Justo Sierra Auditorium half a century ago, its name was changed by students in the 1968 strike, and three decades later, it was taken over in the 1999-2000 student strike. Briefly lost when 2,500 federal militarized police invaded the campus on February 6, 2000, the auditorium was recovered a few months later. Since then, several different groups have taken responsibility for maintaining the space at different times.
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