Category Archives: text

Chiudiamo le scuole


Diffidiamo de’ casamenti di grande superficie, dove molti uomini si rinchiudono o vengono rinchiusi. Prigioni, Chiese, Ospedali, Parlamenti, Caserme, Manicomi, Scuole, Ministeri, Conventi. Codeste pubbliche architetture son di malaugurio: segni irrecusabili di malattie generali. Difesa contro il delitto – contro la morte – contro lo straniero – contro il disordine – contro la solitudine – contro tutto ciò che impaurisce l’uomo abbandonato a sé stesso: il vigliacco eterno che fabbrica leggi e società come bastioni e trincee alla sua tremebondaggine.
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Carta de Bakunin a Nechayev


 [Frank Mintz]


« [M. Bakunin] La Asociación Roja

[Nechayev] Catecismo de un revolucionario »

[Frank Mintz] Carta de Bakunin a Nechayev

Se conoce este documento desde 1963 y fue publicado por vez primera en ruso por Michael Confino en una revista académica Cahier du monde russe et soviétique en 1966, y con más argumentos en Violence dans la violence; le débat Bakounine-Nechaev, París, 1973, 212 pp. Se ha de tener en cuenta un rasgo típicamente ruso de la época que es la sensibilidad extremada así como la necesidad de justificación (sobre todo entre gente con cultura universitaria). Y Bakunin era muy ruso en este plano. Para la versión castellana se acudió a la traducción francesa – muy literaria y con añadidos superfluos – con el original ruso, con más garra y peso y en tono de militante político (las partes entre corchetes están en el original).
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Beware of White-Dressed Cops: Some Italian rioters contrast Ya Basta!s Image with the Reality




The tute blanche (White Overalls) are already well-known in the European and American protest movement, being well recognisable with their uniform and protection pads in the front lines. They undeniably showed their reformist and reactionary core to the worldwide movement in Prague, but still they fail to get the adequate response true revolutionaries should give them, which is the same deserved by blue-dressed cops. That’s why we consider it necessary to spread info on them, their tactics and their lies.
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The Burning of the Cliff House, San Francisco, California  1907

 Errico Malatesta

(Studi sociali [1], 10 luglio 1930)

Traduciamo qui appresso una lettera di E. Malatesta al gruppo anarchico del 18° circondario di Parigi, scritta nel marzo o aprile passato, e pubblicata ne Le Libertaire di Parigi, n° 252, del 19 aprile u.s. Con questa lettera Malatesta riconferma la sua opinione sul concetto della “responsabilità collettiva” dell’organizzazione, su cui allora (anteriormente al congresso ultimo degli anarchici organizzati francesi), si faceva nel Libertaire una accalorata discussione. (Nota della redazione di Studi sociali.)



Esta karta viene a ser una explikación de la situación en ke nos enkontramos produkto de la movilización ke venimos desarrollando desde hace 24 días y ke hoy pasa por un difícil y delikado momento; por ello es también una urgente llamada a intensifikar las muestras konkretas de solidaridad para kon esta kausa libertaria.

A brief history of the armed struggle of GRAPO in Spain

A brief history of the armed struggle of GRAPO in Spain

GRAPO members arrested in 2007

The First of October Anti-fascist Resistance Groups (GRAPO) were formed in the summer of 1975. At that time twenty members of the Communist Party of Spain (reconstituted) -PCE(r)-, underground party formed five months before, carried out their first armed action against the fascist security forces. On 2nd August 1975 a couple of Civil Guard members (a repressive military police force) were shot in the centre of Madrid. One of them was dead and another one seriously injured. It was the first strike back of GRAPO against the wave of fascist-inspired terror known as the summer of terror.
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Eight Hours Too Many?



E. Kerr


Diavolo in corpo


Work less to live more. What a beautiful slogan! I wonder if the one who coined it understood the unintended truth it contains, that work is the negation of life. “Eight hours of obligation is enough to exhaust a person’s energy. What he gives at work is his life, the better part of her strength. Even if the work has not degraded her, even if she has not felt himself overcome by boredom and fatigue, he leaves exhausted, diminished, with the imagination withered.” So a worker wrote several decades ago. Anyone who has worked even for just one day understands the meaning of these words. This is why the reduction of work hours has always been one of the primary demands of those who don’t commission the work, but who carry it out, and so bear its entire burden.
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