Tag Archives: 1910

What Is Worth While?


Adeline Champney

A Study of Conduct, from the Viewpoint of the Man Awake

When we were little we were taught to mind. It used to be the fashion to teach children to mind. Obedience was the sine qua non of childhood. A child with a will of its own was marked for special discipline at the hands — often, literally at the hands — of the alarmed parent. A will of its own was a dangerous possession and must be broken at all costs. So the little will was broken; the costs were too often handed down, even unto the third and fourth generation.

On the whole we learned to mind; learned it so well that most of us have minded ever since, becoming devout Christians and exemplary citizens; following the beaten path, thinking the time worn thoughts, moulding our lives after the antique pattern esteemed by our ancestors. To be “good” was to do as we were told — “ours not to make reply, ours not to reason why” — ours to conform to the adult life around us, and to cause as little inconvenience as possible. This was the ideal of juvenile “goodness,” and to be “good” was the most important thing in life. If it did not so appear to our childish minds, it was made so, very much so. Not only were we inflicted with punishments and enticed with rewards, but to offset the human tendency to concealment which naturally followed such treatment, we were assured that God was watching us, and that not merely every act but indeed every thought was “under the law” and subject to the everlasting wrath of the Almighty, “who slumbers not nor sleeps.” With the sacred ten commandments, the laws of the land, personified by the brass-buttoned policeman, and the arbitrary say-so of parents and teachers and other adults too numerous to mention, our little lives were bounded on the north, south, east and west by Authority, and in the sky above lowered the Awful Presence.

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A short introduction to the life and ideas of Emma Goldman


A short introduction to the life and ideas of Emma Goldman
by Bernard Dubbeld

12 pages – English

Original publication date: Unknown (circa 2000)

A condensed but concise and straightforward introduction to the extraordinary life and work one of the foundational writers and activists in anarchism.

Print copy 150dpi, first-last landscape layout, 8.2MB.
Reading copy 72dpi, sequential portrait layout, 2.6MB.


L’inutilità delle Leggi


(Il testo è tratto dalla rivista Acción Libertaria, n° 5, ottobre 1910)

Ricardo Mella – L’inutilità delle leggi

Chi dice legge, dice limitazione; chi dice limitazione, dice mancanza di libertà. Questo è un assioma. Chi si affida alla riforma delle leggi per migliorare la vita, e pretende perciò di aumentare la libertà, manca di logica o mente sapendo di mentire. Perché una nuova legge distrugge le vecchie leggi. Distrugge dunque vecchi limiti, ma ne crea di nuovi. E così, le leggi sono sempre di ostacolo al libero sviluppo delle attività, delle idee e dei sentimenti umani. Pertanto è un errore, generalizzato quanto si vuole, ma pur sempre un errore, il credere che la legge sia garanzia di libertà. No, la legge è e sempre sarà la sua limitazione, ovvero la sua negazione.
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Our Anti-Syndicalism

Scottsville School Bus, 1910

Le Rétif


Today, in light of the upcoming anti-parliamentary campaign, the anarchists are divided into two apparently irreconcilable groups: the syndicalists and the anti-syndicalists.

The comrades on the other side, in a brief declaration that it is only right to recognize has the dual merits of clarity and honesty, have said what they want and who they are. Their anti-parliamentary campaign will serve as the basis for syndicalist-revolutionary agitation.

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Copia di bfilippi

Bruno Filippi
È la sera di domenica 7 settembre 1919. La Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a Milano. Qui le ricchezze solidificate in pietra grigia, il privilegio celebrato dalle volte monumentali, accolgono l’alta borghesia meneghina giunta a riposarsi e a digerire il lavoro settimanale – sfruttare i poveri – ai tavolini di esclusivi caffè.

The Revolutionary Illusion


Le Rétif

“Humanity marches enveloped in a veil of illusions,” a thinker — Marc Guyau — said. In fact, it seems that without this veil men aren’t capable of marching. Barely has reality torn a blindfold from them than they hasten to put on another, as if their too-weak eyes were afraid to see things as they are. Their intelligence requires the prism of falsehood.

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Par Práxedis G. Guerrero (1910)

Práxedis Guerrero, anarchiste mexicain, était membre de la « Junte Organisatrice du Parti Libéral Mexicain [1] ». Il est mort à l´âge de vingt-huit ans en 1910, en pleine révolution mexicaine, dans l´immense et désertique État de Chihuahua, lors d’une énième tentative de soulèvement, partie de la stratégie insurrectionnelle du PLM.
Issu de la bourgeoisie propriétaire de terres, Práxedis Guerrero renonça à une situation matérielle avantageuse pour la révolution. Anarchiste d’action, il exerça une activité journalistique avec le journal Regeneración en complément de tous les travaux manuels les plus durs, entre le Mexique et les États-Unis.
Continue reading Souffle

The Spirit of Revolt – Kropotkin 1914 (en/it/fr)


There are periods in the life of human society when revolution becomes an imperative necessity, when it proclaims itself as inevitable. New ideas germinate everywhere, seeking to force their way into the light, to find an application in life; everywhere they are opposed by the inertia of those whose interest it is to maintain the old order; they suffocate in the stifling atmosphere of prejudice and traditions. The accepted ideas of the constitution of the State, of the laws of social equilibrium, of the political and economic interrelations of citizens, can hold out no longer against the implacable criticism which is daily undermining them whenever occasion arises, — in drawing room as in cabaret, in the writings of philosophers as in daily conversation. Political, economic, and social institutions are crumbling; the social structure, having become uninhabitable, is hindering, even preventing the development of the seeds which are being propagated within its damaged walls and being brought forth around them.
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