Tag Archives: 1987

But what is the imaginary?


One of the new concepts that is tending to appear with increasing frequency is that of the ‘social’, or ‘collective’, ‘imaginary’. It is nearly always thrown at you as though it were something that everyone is aware of, and is leading to attitudes and deductions that do not seem to me to be all that well founded.
Hence the need to clarify some of the aspects of this ‘concept’, which presents not a few difficulties.
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Community Sickness


Anarchist practice has fallen sharply in recent years, with few actions either at mass level or at the level of specific groups. As a result we see a revival of the issue of how to get closer to ‘communism’ or to building situations that not only express our ideas and ethical and cultural values but are also capable of satisfying our fundamental personal and collective need for freedom. In other words, there is a proposal to create points of reference that go beyond the classical division between the personal and the political.
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Again HMP Grampian: Police called in as riot broke out


(Prisoners on top of HMP Peterhead during the riot in 1987, ended violently by SAS (Special Air Squadron, Anti-Terror Police) called in, after 5 days of siege, by prime minister Margaret Thatcher.)

A riot involving inmates in a residential area of a prison has ended following intervention by police & prison officers.
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Vicino agli esclusi, tra gli esclusi … di Jean Marc Rouillan


alci di un libro che parla di carcere, che descrive il carcere minuto dopo minuto. Il libro di un prigioniero politico francese che ancora lotta per la sua libertà. Un libro per non dimenticarci mai 

Al risveglio, la prigione salta alla gola.
Le prime sensazioni mi avvertono della sua presenza nascosta. Un angolo di muro illuminato dal chiarore dell’alba, l’odore del disinfettante, le diverse abluzioni dei congeneri, la carezza della coperta carceraria e lo scoramento indicibile. Mi penetra di colpo.
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But what is the imaginary?


One of the new concepts that is tending to appear with increasing frequency is that of the ‘social’, or ‘collective’, ‘imaginary’. It is nearly always thrown at you as though it were something that everyone is aware of, and is leading to attitudes and deductions that do not seem to me to be all that well founded.
Hence the need to clarify some of the aspects of this ‘concept’, which presents not a few difficulties.
Continue reading But what is the imaginary?



What better solidarity can a comrade who finds himself in prison receive than that of learning first from the media, then from the papers of the movement, that the struggle against injustice and exploitation is attacking in first person.
For a comrade who finds himself in prison, all actions such as this, or of another kind but which however support an irreducibility against power, are the best attestations of active solidarity, and also against all those who with paternalism and gradualism theorise and put into practice an illusory counterposition that maintains oppression intact.

Paneroticism: The Dance of Life – by Feral Faun


Chaos is a dance, a flowing dance of life, and this dance is erotic. Civilization hates chaos and, therefore, also hates Eros. Even in supposedly sexually free times, civilization represses the erotic. It teaches that orgasms are events that happen only in a few small parts of our bodies and only through the correct manipulation of those parts.
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