The hearing for the appeal of anarchist comrade George Voutsis-Vogiatzis, arrested for bank robbery, was set for June 7th, 2010 but was postponed for May 6th, 2011. Here’s a translated interview he gave to the newspaper “Proto Thema” on May 9th 2010
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Tag Archives: 2010
Considérations sur les assemblées (fr/it/nl)
Dans les assemblées on ne discute pas tous ensemble, on écoute les interventions de ceux qui sont plus habiles à exposer leur positions en les faisant ainsi passer pour la Raison collective. Celui qui parle mieux, c’est-à-dire qui possède la parole plus persuasive, contrôle l’assemblée et la plupart du temps c’est aussi celui qui l’organise). Tous ceux qui ont fréquenté des assemblées en voient clairement le fonctionnement.
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Al Acecho
Al Acecho
Descargar (de Homodolars)
)Cuando decidimos transformar nuestra vida en propaganda por medio de los hechos y no sólo por medio de las palabras, enfrentarnos a muerte contra el poder complica nuestra existencia hasta el punto de asumir en la práctica que el enemigo desea vernos aniquilados y/o tras las rejas. Por medio de esta publicación queremos difundir y analizar la situación en la que se encuentra el compañero antiautoritario Diego Ríos, prófugo y clandestino desde el 24 de Junio del año 2009, cuando es delatado a la policía por su madre, quien encuentra bolsos con supuestos materiales para fabricar explosivos en un inmueble de su propiedad. El mismo día es allanado el CSO y Biblioteca Libertaria Jonny Cariqueo (Pudahuel), donde se llevaron sólo un cilindro de gas, propaganda y herramientas de trabajo. Diego no estaba ahí, había dado inicio a su huída rebelde.
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Open letter on the revolutionary struggle (2010/2011)
Babis Tsilianidis, Dimitris Dimtsiadis, Socrates Tzifkas, Dimitris Fessas
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Considerations on Nihilism (Guerre au Paradis)
We would have preferred not to feel the need to write these lines. We would rather speak of love, of freedom and fresh water, leaving aside the negative, at least for a moment. However: a spectre haunts the revolutionary tension, the spectre of nihilism.
Not the “classical” nihilism, represented by Nechaev and his like of the 19th century. Though maybe we can detect similarities, see a continuity between the old and the new manifestations of this attitude.
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6 años sin ti: Xose Tarrio González
Se cumplen cinco años de que Xosè Tarrio Gonzalez, muere de cárcel, nuestro compañero permanece en la memoria de l@s anarquistas.
Hoy, 2 de enero de 2010, se cumplen 5 años de la muerte de nuestro hermano Xosé Tarrio, compañero anarquista, secuestrado por el Estado a los 16 años, de los cuales diez los pasa en aislamiento.
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La neutralisation de la dissidence, du refus à la demande d’améliorations
Nous vivons une époque difficile, c’est clair. À première vue on ne voit aucune lutte qui puisse nous convaincre et même si nous ressentons le mal-être et le mécontentement social dans toutes les sphères du quotidien, nous voyons aussi le panel de thérapies que le système nous propose pour supporter ce qui devient insupportable : l’aliénation du contrôle sur nos vies et la solitude à laquelle nous lie l’individualisme exaspéré. Cela nous affecte, provoque de la souffrance, nous détruit.
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Escape from Oblivion (first attempt) 2010
Giannis Dimitrakis
I always keep in mind that image of myself, passing by the prison, unconsciously looking up at the high walls and the barbed wire on top. Which prison was it? Whenever I went with some friends by motorcycle to the Nikaia neighborhood, we rode down Grigoriou Lambraki Street, and the stone walls of Korydallos Prison mesmerized me. I don’t know why. Was it because there were times I found myself on the nearby streets—breathing room, but never too close, since all the approaches were completely blocked by the police—simply because of one of the marches in solidarity with comrade prisoners? Or was it perhaps because that enormous, imposing building, so diligently concealing everything going on inside its heart—an entirely unknown world with its own laws and rules, full of heroic stories and human torment—merely piqued my curiosity?
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NUNATAK Giornale
Nunatak – Rivista di storie, culture, lotte della montagna
Dinnanzi al dilagare degli scempi sociali ed ecologici prodotti dalla società della Merce e dell’Autorità, le montagne della Terra tornano ad essere lo spazio della resistenza e della libertà. Nunatak vuole dare voce alle esperienze di chi in montagna, oggi come ieri, vuole vivere e lottare, affinchè una vita meno alienata e meno contaminata possa, giorno dopo giorno, scendere sempre più a valle.
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Open letter on the revolutionary struggle (2010/2011)
Babis Tsilianidis, Dimitris Dimtsiadis, Socrates Tzifkas, Dimitris Fessas
“This is why you my lads with the sword, the fire and the rage in the mouth I want you to come out naked in the cities, as the viper goes through the gardens of barley with its proud eyes furious as the lightnings streams through the youth.”
A refusal to surrender and an all in for freedom…
A arson is carried out on a vehicle of DEI (national electrical company) in the center of Thessaloniki where is arrested our brother and revolutionary anarchist Giannis Skouloudis. And are published based on testimonies of cops, 4 arrest warrants for us.
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