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Tag Archives: 2011
Dieterich y el “socialismo” del siglo XXI
[Gustavo Rodríguez]
Dieterich y el “socialismo” del siglo XXI
–De la “ultima ratio de la evolución anti-capitalista” a la última Coca-Cola del desierto
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Comunicado del grupo “Secta de los Revolucionarios” por el asesinato de un policía, Grecia
Secta de los Revolucionarios
Nota por Liberación Total:
El pasado 17 de junio, a las 6:45 de la mañana desconocidxs asesinaron con 24 balas a un policía de la sección antiterroristas en Grecia. Lo siguiente es el comunicado y una introducción por lxs traductores/as que nos fue enviado al mail, agradecemos la colaboración y nuestra mejor forma de hacerlo es difundiéndolo.
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Un afectuoso saludo a todas:
Han pasado dos años desde que concluyó la campaña por mi liberación, un periodo de luchas en el que muchas de vosotras estuvisteis implicadas con todo tipo de actuaciones que os agradezco una vez más. Éste tiempo, además de haber servido para recuperarme de los importantes estragos que ocasionó en mí la institución penitenciaria, ha dado lugar a que hayan sucedido algunas otras cosas relacionadas con aquella campaña que os quiero comentar.
Text of the imprisoned comrade Polykarpos Georgiadis on counter-information
Greece 2011:
The following text is an extract from the brochure ‘A Text of, and Interview with comrade Polykarpos Georgiadis’ (Greek original). The brochure includes an interview with the imprisoned fighter Polykarpos Georgiadis from October 27th, 2010, that he gave for the radio program ‘Cries from the prison cells’ on the self-organized radio station 98 FM (Athens). It also includes a text written by the comrade – which we chose to translate – on the subject of counter-information, with references to the revolutionary movement and the roles of the different means employed.
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Written declaration to the court by Kostas Gournas, member of Revolutionary Struggle – October 24th, 2011
In April 2010, in a joint letter with my comrades Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, we claimed political responsibilityfor our participation in Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas). We declared that we’re proud of the organization and our fellow fighter Lambros Foundas, who was killed by cops in the armed scuffle of Dafni.
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Fire and Gunpowder
A publication by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
From Indonesia to Chile… A proposition for FAI/IRF
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An open letter to whoever wants to be concerned,-Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk just another fugitive. -U.K
1st communication, October 2011
An open letter to whoever wants to be concerned,
Two months have passed since the police execution of Mark Duggan tipped the already-fragile balance of power in the UK, unlocking an orgy of defiance across this island. A well of frustrations finally boiled over and the system was left reeling by a determined insurrection from a wide range of people. Following these days and nights of brazen attacks in Bristol (as in other places) a house is raided in a police and media orchestrated scene as part of their revenge operation for the blows they have both received in the uprising – they leave without the hostage they sought there, but I am made aware by their blunder that I am on their wanted list.
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