Tag Archives: 2012

Letter from anarchist Marco Camenish – Hunger strike from 20th August. – Switzerland (en/it) 2012


Marco Camenish – Hunger strike from 20th August.

rom 20th August I’m going to start a hunger strike, which is symbolic but it intends to contribute to the path of solidarity and struggle we are running outside and inside, in no particular order, in unison, with united or different voices and methods, in different areas and with different people. But always against a common enemy and for a common goal. The common enemy is the war of conquest, exploitation, slavery, repression, diffused and total destruction. Today the common enemy is called global techno-scientific, patriarchal, terrorist and totalitarian system of the multinationals and imperialist States and is at the height of its power and spread but also of its most deadly and irreversible crisis. And the common goal is the knocking down of this system and of all forms of slavery and exploitation, for a free, healthy and just world, for all its expressions and natural elements, as essential basis of life, and for its and therefore our continuity.
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Revolutionary greetings from imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch, on the occasion of the event for the Revolutionary Struggle case (Switzerland) en/es/it/fr


From Switzerland I send my warmest revolutionary salutes to you, comrades, on the occasion of your event-festival on the 7th and 8th of June in Greece!

The themes of your meeting—history, actuality and perspective of the international social revolution—are of crucial importance and more timely than ever, in these times of irreversible crisis of the dominant system.
Never had been the times so ripe and urgent for the realization and organization of the internationalist struggle towards a social-revolutionary perspective as the only solution to the crisis of the dominant system, and for this purpose the construction of an internationalist revolutionized solidarity is indispensable; these are more than obvious and shareable affirmations of yours, Pola and Nikos, and of a multitude of combatant comrades. This is also confirmed by the growing popular consensus for armed and militant revolutionary intervention and the corresponding increase of fear and terrorism of the system. We can find the growth of consensus, albeit at different levels, not only in Greece but in many other Western countries and the world, while the terrorism of elites and the international advancement of their repression are much more leveled and unified. This makes even more important and urgent a constructive strong drive—analysis and practice—towards internationalist revolutionary solidarity beyond tendencies, not only against repression, but also, much more in general, for a convergence of revolutionary pathways in use and under construction!
Solidarity and love to you, compas, in and out of prisons, who, in Greece and everywhere in the world, at this precious moment and many others through attacks of justice of the class create a platform and opportunity to relaunch the counterattack on this ground, as contribution for permanent resistance and revolutionary attack!
So that they’re persecuted even into their toilets (surely of lusso)…!!!
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In The Belly of The Beast (2010-2013)


John Bowden

For the past 30 years John Bowden has been at the forefront of the British prison struggle, and is by far our most prolific prisoner writer. Time and again, John’s articles have shone a searchlight into the State’s murky dungeons, exposing brutality and repression, and challenging the very nature of prison. For many years now, John has been held in jail because of his political views and his willingness to challenge injustice. That has never been clearer than now, as the State attempts to use ‘secret evidence’ to keep him behind bars. Leeds ABC

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The Telescope or the Kaleidoscope: A Critique of the ELF


a critical individual’s proposal for a diffused offensive attack

“Our lives are at stake and we will not renounce any weapon that we can use as our own.”
— Anonymous

In regards to the brief history of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an organization which has brought much inspiration to the North American context and drawn significant media attention, I would like to present a few points in order to critique, clarify and highlight the ways the ELF can be understood as a methodology instead of as an ideology. At the end of this piece, a proposal is drawn out for anarchists to develop their own actions separately in cells, groups or any informal structure they see fit whether or not these are aligned with the “ELF guidelines”.

Obviously this is something that is difficult, because on the one hand the ELF does exist as an organization but is also made up of many dispersed cells and individuals. So the critique will follow the ELF guidelines and not critique the individuals themselves.

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Basic contributions to the discussion about actions and revolutionary struggle (Barcelona) 2012


1.Introduction: theory and practice

“Direct action”, in the particular sense of the destructive and illegal attack, is a method of struggle widely used inside our political milieu. It’s not new at all, for it connects with the tradition of violence that has always been linked to the anarchist movement and, on the other hand, was revalued from theoretical frames with a strong influence in Barcelona these last years. So, the actions of this kind are rooted in the political identity in which we recognize ourselves. And precisely because of that, we feel the need to permanently question this tool, of situating it in a global reflection that allows us a more incisive practice, more coherent with a revolutionary perspective and more effective in the achievement of its objectives. A real practice able to go more further than inertia, than activism (to do just for doing) and identity fetishes.

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“Malaka, yo hice negocio allí arriba”. Una entrevista sobre la frontera albano-griega, 1994/1995 (es/fr)


El texto es una traduccion del fanzine “Μαλακα, εγώ έκανα μπίζνες εκεί πάνω”. Μια συνέντευξη από τα ελληνοαλβανικά σύνορα, 1994/1995 editado en Grecia, 2012.

El texto que se encuentra en las siguientes páginas es el testimonio oral de un joven que realizó el servicio militar durante el periodo de 1994-1995.

Hemos mantenido el carácter oral de su discurso – casi en su totalidad – con el pensamiento de que transmite de una manera muy directa las condiciones de entrada de los inmigrantes en el país, durante mediados de los 90, el recibimiento con que los aguardaba el estado y los patrones (ya fueran grandes o pequeños), así como el papel que jugó el ejército.

Incluso aunque en algunas partes del fanzine nuestra opinión es de alguna manera diferente de la que se expresa, éste texto continua siendo uno de los escasos documentos (desde los medios) de la política de fronteras del estado griego.

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Terreur et union nationale (fr/it)


C’est tous les jours que ce monde produit de l’horreur. Dans les guerres que se mènent les États entre eux, ou contre des groupes qui, s’ils ne sont pas à proprement parler des États, ne rêvent que de pouvoir et de domination sociale et politique. A coups de bombes et autres armes frappant plus largement que les seuls adversaires soi-disant visés, c’est-à-dire frappant des centaines et des milliers d’individus qui ne demandaient pas à prendre part à ces guerres, en tout cas qui ne souhaitaient pas en crever. Cette tuerie et cette mutilation permanentes s’étendent jusque dans les conséquences sociales dues au capitalisme : par son travail, son industrie, ses nuisances, les maladies qu’il provoque en pagaille. Jour, après jour, après jour.
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Rebajada condena contra lxs compañerxs Carla e Ivan, por porte de artefacto explosivo


Durante la primera semana de Diciembre del 2014, el sexto tribunal Oral en lo Penal, decidió rebajar la condena de 6 años de libertad vigilada que están cumpliendo lxs compañerxs Carla Verdugo e Ivan silva, condenados por la tenencia de un artefacto explosivo en Abril del 2012
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Contributo barbaro [it/en/fr] 2012


Se proviamo a leggere la realtà che ci circonda ci accorgiamo che stiamo assistendo allo sviluppo di profonde trasformazioni dal punto di vista della gestione del potere politico ed economico. Tali cambiamenti si riflettono anche a livello sociale. È necessario confrontarsi con le trasformazioni in atto e tenerne conto in quelle che sono le nostre analisi e prospettive di attacco.


Il capitale non è in crisi, ma più ‘semplicemente’ le scelte finanziarie degli Stati hanno creato delle difficoltà nella tradizionale gestione del mercato e hanno prodotto, in generale, un peggioramento delle condizioni di vita dei consumatori cittadini. Le contraddizioni che il capitale ha sviluppato hanno contribuito a determinare in alcune zone delle occasioni di scontro, più o meno cruente e di lunga durata, fra i guardiani del potere e le sue strutture e quelle sacche di popolazione stanche di essere escluse dagli agi che il fasullo benessere delle società del consumo promettono.
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