Tag Archives: 2015



En el mes de noviembre del año 2014, ocurrió un ataque incendiario en contra de la brigada de homicidios de la PDI, desde entonces, la Fiscal Luz Gavilán dio inicio al proceso de investigación que detonó la madrugada del jueves 02 de julio del presente año, fecha en que fueron allanadas las casas de María Paz Vera, Natalia Alvarado, Felipe Román, Víctor Zúñiga y Manuel Espinoza. Las viviendas fueron dañadas materialmente, los funcionarios apuntaron con pistolas a los presentes y siguieron a las personas no encontradas hasta dar con su paradero.


Καρδίτσα : Τρίτη 29/12, 11:00 – Συγκέντρωση αλληλεγγύης «Κανείς δεν θα μείνει μόνος του απέναντι στα αφεντικά»


Η εργοδοσία των καταστημάτων carrefour-Μαρινόπουλος προχώρησε σε 2 ακόμα απολύσεις εργαζομένων επειδή αρνήθηκαν να υπογράψουν τη μείωση 8% του μισθού τους. Άλλωστε, είναι πλέον γνωστή αυτή η τακτική, αφού τον τελευταίο καιρό έχουν απολυθεί δεκάδες εργαζόμενοι (πανελλαδικά) από τα εν λόγω καταστήματα. Ακόμη, όσοι δεν απολύονται εξαναγκάζονται να υπογράψουν τη μείωση του μισθού τους και σύμβαση αορίστου χρόνου. Εμείς από την πλευρά μας στεκόμαστε στο πλευρό τόσο των απολυμένων όσο και των εργαζομένων που υπό την απειλή της ανεργίας εξαναγκάζονται να υπογράψουν τη μείωση του μισθού τους.
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YDG-H: 30 special operation members killed in the areas of self-rule (en/es)



Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement (YDG-H) has reported in a written statement that their resistance continues ceaselessly in response to the fascist AKP government’s all-out attacks targeting the areas of self-rule.

Thursday, December 24, 2015 3:25 PM

Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement (YDG-H) has reported in a written statement that their resistance continues ceaselessly in response to the fascist AKP government’s all-out attacks targeting the areas of self-rule.
Continue reading YDG-H: 30 special operation members killed in the areas of self-rule (en/es)

“I do not regret anything…” : Political declaration of Christos Tsakalos for the third CCF trial (Greece)


On Thursday, November 5th, I’m asked to apologize to the first court conducted for 2.5 years now against the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire . It is the trial for the 250 attacks of the organization.
Continue reading “I do not regret anything…” : Political declaration of Christos Tsakalos for the third CCF trial (Greece)

Proseguiamo le lotte per la libertà


A proposito dei sabotaggi dell’Alta Velocità e di una caserma militare.
Quando le tenebre avviluppano i quartieri, immergendo la città in uno stato d’assedio come suprema affermazione del potere dello Stato e della sua ideologia, è facile cedere alla rassegnazione totale. Quando strepitano le trombe della guerra e del massacro, schiacciando le lotte per la libertà per far largo alla contesa tra due poteri che cercano di imporsi, è facile pensare che tutto è perduto. Quando i bombardamenti mediatici martellano il messaggio dell’ordine, spingendo ai margini ogni grido di rifiuto e di ribellione, è facile smettere di pensare da soli e farsi trascinare dal flusso sanguinario.

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Throw away all the prostheses and venture into the abyss of a world without limits.


Life has deserted the soulless labyrinth of man’s daily doings. So seemingly ecumenical, so apparently volatile, she is not so cheap. Attempts to encounter her by the slaves of democracy remain just that. The apparent choices in the shop windows of capital come down to one: you can inhabit the swamp with the frogs, wallow in the global quagmire of participation and help spread the mud till even your dreams become grey. Or you can go. Take flight with the vagabonds of the spirit, let the glow of freedom ignite your passions, kindle your spirit, illuminate your mind. Throw away all the prostheses and venture into the abyss of a world without limits.

Continue reading Throw away all the prostheses and venture into the abyss of a world without limits.

Né la loro guerra, né la loro pace. Per la rivoluzione sociale


La guerra è arrivata fin davanti alla porta delle vostre case. I militari che stazionano nelle strade ne sono la dimostrazione. I controlli rafforzati in strada fanno sparire centinaia di immigrati nei campi di deportazione. Gli sbirri sono in apprensione e applicano una tolleranza zero schiacciando tutti coloro che non restano all’interno dei ranghi. I giornalisti fanno penetrare il messaggio del potere nelle nostre teste. E il denaro piove per finanziare la lotta contro «la minaccia».

Continue reading Né la loro guerra, né la loro pace. Per la rivoluzione sociale

Italy – Active solidarity with those arrested following the 1st May’s demo against Expo in Milan


[…] As soon as they got in, the police officers didn’t take long to realize who the people quickly running away were. In fact, at the bottom of the room they found a hole on the floor, a perfectly lighted well leading deep down. A note left near the opening of the hole read: ‘Solidarity between anarchists is not made of words only’.

Continue reading Italy – Active solidarity with those arrested following the 1st May’s demo against Expo in Milan