Tag Archives: Anarchy Magazine

The Cops In Our Heads: Some thoughts on anarchy and morality (en/es)



In my travels over the past several months, I have talked with many anarchists who conceive of anarchy as a moral principle. Some go so far as to speak of anarchy as though it were a deity to whom they had given themselves–reinforcing my feeling that those who really want to experience anarchy may need to divorce themselves from anarchism.
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Drifting from the sacred: Thoughts inspired by Feral Faun


Thoughts inspired by
reading Peter Lamborn
Wilson’s The Sacred Drift

My feelings when I read Peter Lamborn Wilson is that he wishes to live very much as I do, yet he looks to thc realm of spirituality as a means to achieve this. To me, it is evident that this is another false path to autonomous self-creation–precisely because it is a path…and one that has been tried so often its failure should be self-evident.
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Facing the Enemy


A platformist interpretation of the history of anarchist organization

Review by Jason McQuinn

Facing the Enemy: A History of Anarchist Organization from Proudhon to May 1968 by Alexandre Skirda, translated by Paul Sharkey (AK Press, POB 40682, San Francisco, CA 94140-0682, USA; AK Press, POB 12766, Edinburgh, EH8 9YE, Scotland; & Kate Sharpley Library, BM Hurricane, London, WC1 3XX, England; 2002) 292 pp., $17.95 paper.

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Dalla Politica alla Vita – Wolfi Landstreicher


Fin dai tempi in cui per la prima volta si è definito movimento radicale autonomo, l’anarchismo è stato associato alla sinistra. Un’associazione il più delle volte problematica. I militanti di sinistra con un incarico di potere (compresi quelli anarchici, come i capi della C.N.T. e della F.A.I. nella Spagna del 1936-37) hanno sempre considerato d’ostacolo ai propri programmi politici il fine anarchico della trasformazione totale della vita — e il conseguente principio secondo cui i fini dovrebbero essere già insiti nei mezzi di lotta impiegati. L’insorgenza reale è sempre scoppiata altrove rispetto a qualsivoglia programma politico e gli anarchici più coerenti hanno intravisto la possibilità di realizzare i loro sogni proprio in un luogo sconosciuto ed altro. Tuttavia, a più riprese, quando i fuochi dell’insurrezione si raffreddavano (e talvolta perfino mentre bruciavano ancora ardentemente, come nel 1936-37), i leader anarchici hanno finito coll’assumere il ruolo di «coscienza della sinistra».
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The Cybernet of Domination by Feral Faun


(Author’s note: This article is more speculative than I ideally would have liked, because it is attempting to trace the tendencies inherent in one aspect of modem society, tendencies which, of course, are in relationship to other aspects of this society. This should not be read as prediction, but as an attempt to show why cybernetics is not even potentially liberating and will ultimately be opposed by insurgent free spirits.)

“The dictatorship of the instrument is the worst kind of dictatorship.”
-Alfredo M. Bonanno
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Introducción: algunas definiciones y explicaciones

Toda lucha potencialmente emancipadora que se dé entre los explotados y desposeídos debe basarse en la autoorganización autónoma. Como anarquistas, solemos encontrarnos también entre los explotados y, por ello, tenemos toda la razón para participar en dichas luchas e impulsarlas. Pero como tenemos ideas específicas sobre cómo queremos llevar a cabo nuestras luchas y un objetivo revolucionario específico, nuestra participación toma la forma de una intervención que busca mover las luchas en una dirección específica. Como no tenemos ningún deseo de ser una especie de vanguardia o liderazgo o de vernos atrapados en el mísero juego del politiqueo, nos encontramos en la tensión de intentar vivir nuestra concepción de la lucha y la libertad dentro del contexto de una realidad opresiva, de intentar encarar los problemas cotidianos con que nos enfrentamos rechazando a la vez jugar según las reglas de este mundo.

The anarchist subculture: A critique.


“…the absence of imagination needs models; it swears by them and lives only through them.”

It is easy to claim that there is no anarchist movement in North America. This claim frees one from having to examine the nature of that movement and what one’s role is in it. But a network of publications, bookstores, anarchist households, squats and correspondence connecting those with anti-statist perspectives most certainly does exist. It has crystallized into a subculture with its mores, rituals and symbols of “rebellion.” But can a subculture create free individuals capable of making the lives they desire? The anarchist subculture certainly hasn’t. I hope to explore why in this article.
Continue reading The anarchist subculture: A critique.

Beyond Earth First! Toward a feral revolution of desire


by Feral Faun

Last year, Fifth Estate published a critique of Deep Ecology which included criticisms of certain people who use the slogan “Earth First!”. This has led to a fairly intense dialogue. As I have read this dialogue it has become clear to me that most people–including those who call themselves EF!ers-aren’t really sure what EF! is.
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Nature As Spectacle: by Feral Faun (en/es)


The image of wilderness vs. Wildness

 (Author’s note: The frequent use of quotation marks in this essay is to reinforce the idea that nature and wilderness are concepts, not actual beings.)

Nature has not always existed. It is not found in the depths of the forest, in the heart of the cougar or in the songs of the pygmies; it is found in the philosophies and image constructions of civilized human beings. Seemingly contradictory strands are woven together creating nature as an ideological construct that serves to domesticate us, to suppress and channel our expressions of wildness.
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The Abolition of Society


Feral Faun


“Society…1. a group of persons who have the same customs, beliefs, etc. or live under a common government and who are thought of as forming a single community… 3. all people, when thought of as forming a community in which each person is partly dependent on all the rest”.

Webster’s New World Dictionary

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