Tag Archives: communique

Some excerpts from the presentation by Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle, at Pikrodafne squat, Athens (Greece)



“We have to sabotage the implementation of the Third Memorandum”

Q: What are the reasons, in your opinion, for the decline in the level of social resistance and struggles against capitalist restructuring and austerity measures and how can we get out of this impasse? What should be the strategy in the anarchist space currently?
Continue reading Some excerpts from the presentation by Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle, at Pikrodafne squat, Athens (Greece)

Comunicado de José Miguel Sánchez en huelga de hambre


En este, el décimo día de huelga de hambre que enfrentamos con
entereza, fuerza y convicción, esclarezco mi posición de lucha
encarando a la mentirosa, corrupta e inmoral clase política, quienes
ambicionan una cuota de poder, olvidando principios y ética moral.
Aquellos que lucran con la clase trabajadora sometida por un
paupérrimo sueldo de hambre, siendo ni más ni menos que unos esclavos
pasivos de la clase dominante.
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Some excerpts from the presentation by Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle, at Pikrodafne squat, Athens (Greece)


“We have to sabotage the implementation of the Third Memorandum”

Q: What are the reasons, in your opinion, for the decline in the level of social resistance and struggles against capitalist restructuring and austerity measures and how can we get out of this impasse? What should be the strategy in the anarchist space currently?

: The cause of the lessening of social resistance is precisely that it had and continues to have a defensive character in face of the unprecedented onslaught of capital and the state after 2010. The capitalist machine has been malfunctioning since 2008, neither finding profitable investments for pumping out ever greater profits nor capital to offset its losses, so it attacks social gains and the working class. And it attacks social security, salaries and pensions, it confiscates property due to debts, reduces labor costs, and seizes public property through privatization.
Continue reading Some excerpts from the presentation by Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle, at Pikrodafne squat, Athens (Greece)

About the recent eviction of 8 Peresiadou Street squat and self-organized project in Athens


Athens: The three arrestees of Persiadou 8 squat are to appear in court.
The three arrestees of Persiadou 8 st. squat in Galatsi were transferred
to GADA (athens police headquarters) will appear before the prosecutor
today (22/4).
A few words concerning the eviction of the squat. The police raided the squat in Galatsi as was mentione don twitter. Also it mentions 3 arrests for misdemeanors concerning criminal damage and stealing electricity.
When and how the occupation began..
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Presentation of Nikos Maziotis: “Armed Struggle, Revolutionary Movement, and Social Revolution” – Athens Polytechnic, 2014 (Greece)


Presentation of Nikos Maziotis:
“Armed Struggle, Revolutionary Movement, and Social Revolution”
Athens Polytechnic, November 2014

[The talk began with various brief greetings to comrades attending the presentation, those of the squat KVOX for organizing the event, a reference by Maziotis to the government preventing him from speaking by phone to a prior meeting, etc. After this presentation, there were also some questions and responses which are not yet translated]…

Continue reading Presentation of Nikos Maziotis: “Armed Struggle, Revolutionary Movement, and Social Revolution” – Athens Polytechnic, 2014 (Greece)

Forlì – Chi fa affari coi fascisti…


La ridicolaggine di Forza Nuova ha superato tutti i record sabato 16 aprile, con l’indizione di una conferenza pubblica…privata! Infatti, prima sbandierata anche sui media on-line, la conferenza anti-immigrati con il segretario nazionale, Roberto Fiore, e il responsabile romagnolo, Mirco Ottaviani (candidato sindaco a Rimini per FN e povera vittima dei cattivoni di sinistra) si è ridotta ad essere una squallida e triste rimpatriata di vecchi e nuovi arnesi della destra radicale romagnola, al seguito del loro capetto.
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Carta De Juankar Santana Martín, En Pleno Ayuno En Solidaridad Con Los Compañeros Juzgados Por Apoyarle A Él


Mañana, 26 de abril, se juzga en Lleida a tres personas por apoyar en el 2012 a Juankar Santana Martín, preso entonces en la cárcel de Ponent, que participaba en la campaña Cárcel=Tortura y había denunciado varias veces a los carceleros por malos tratos y torturas.
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