Tag Archives: communique

Chile: 5 muertos en el concierto de DOOM – Ni olvido, ni silencio, ni perdón [CAS-ENG]


(Texto aparecido en publicación “Contra Toda Autoridad” #3)

Contra toda autoridad

“Venganza, venganza contra el opresor/ levanta el puño/ desata el horror /nuestra vendetta será su perdición /nuestra convicción es la destrucción de todo lo que nos destruye/ no nos detendremos / nunca nos quedaremos callados aunque nos maten o seamos fusilados.”(Letras del proyecto musical “Na-Die”, del compañero Ignacio Medina, asesinado en recital de Doom)
Continue reading Chile: 5 muertos en el concierto de DOOM – Ni olvido, ni silencio, ni perdón [CAS-ENG]

Frankfurt, Germany: Wild demo with an attack on the French consulate


Yesterday [April 19th] in the early evening, around 100 people demonstrated in solidarity with the struggling youths in France during a wild demonstration through [the district of] Bockenheim. For weeks now, thousands of people in France take to the streets against the “labour law“.
Continue reading Frankfurt, Germany: Wild demo with an attack on the French consulate

Prigionieri del I° Maggio 2015 – Lettera ai compagni greci da Casper, Molestio e Iddu


Milano, 22-03-2016


Cari Nikos, Fivos, Kostas, Odysseas, Alexandros,

siamo felicissimi e molto vicini nel ricevere la vostra lettera complice e solidale. Cogliamo l’occasione per rispondervi con questa lettera che vogliamo che sia pubblica.

E’ raro il fatto di arrivare a sognare con persone con cui non si ha nessun rapporto, che nemmeno si conoscono, mai neanche sentite o incontrate; è ancora più raro il fatto di passare insieme una giornata di ribellione e gioia come quella che abbiamo passato, fianco a fianco, senza neanche guardarci in volto; ancora più raro è il sentimento profondo e “fraterno” che ci unisce anche a migliaia di chilometri di distanza, lingue diverse e mari che ci separano.

Continue reading Prigionieri del I° Maggio 2015 – Lettera ai compagni greci da Casper, Molestio e Iddu

Compagni interrompono consiglio comunale contro minaccia di sgombero Janara Squat


Questa mattina abbiamo interrotto l’ultimo (forse) Consiglio Comunale per questa amministrazione.
Nonostante la goffa quanto scomposta reazione del Comandante Moschella e del paio di suoi sottoposti che si sono avventati su di noi per strapparci lo striscione che recitava “A difesa degli spazi autogestiti, Janara Squat non si tocca!”, è stato letto il seguente testo:
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Koridallos prisons – Announcement of Prisoners for the raiding of the EKAM (special forces) and the violent transfer of our fellow prisoners.


During the night, specifically from 00.30 until 7-8am, special forces of the police together with mixed units of police and prosecutors, carried out extensive searches in the 1st and 4th wing of Koridallos prisons.
The state mechanisms raided with superiority of power and an intention to humiliate the prisoners. specifically the searches were done 2 cells at a time and 4-5 prisoners were against dozens of fully armed EKAM (special forces),who tied the prisoners behind their back and had them on their knees while they made them look at the wall as long as the search was underway, whoever resisted this sadistic hazing was beaten by the police forces. All cells in the two wings were searched, objects and devices were smashed while the provocations continued by the police since they threw all clothes in the garbage, destroyed their stuff and threw food and other products on the floor.
The state carries out exercises fro imposing and controlling who will speak of human rights when all is bypassed before the dogma of law and order. like we said prisoners were beaten and dozens of others were violently transferred to other prisons, while the cells did not open until 11am.
Continue reading Koridallos prisons – Announcement of Prisoners for the raiding of the EKAM (special forces) and the violent transfer of our fellow prisoners.

Letters from Kevan Thakrar from the isolation units of England (UK)


March 17

A secret world exists within the high security prison estate in England, known as the Close Supervision Centre (CSC) system. It is notorious amongst the few who know of it, a place only the most unfortunate men ever see. Reports of serious mistreatment and torture are routine from the victims detained within the CSC, but almost nothing is ever done about the biggest demonstration of inhumanity to take place in this country.
Continue reading Letters from Kevan Thakrar from the isolation units of England (UK)

Queman capilla al sur de Cañete: lienzo responsabiliza a Obispo Stegmeier de violencia contra iglesias


El 12 de Abril amaneció en llamas una capilla católica ubicada al sur de Cañete, en Antiquina. En el lugar fue encontrado un lienzo que señalaba “Obispo Stegmeier, cómplice de la represión del Estado. Responsable de la Violencia hacia la Iglesia. Libertad a todos los Presos Políticos Mapuche”. El símbolo incluía “libertad a nuestra machi Linconao”.
Continue reading Queman capilla al sur de Cañete: lienzo responsabiliza a Obispo Stegmeier de violencia contra iglesias



(La siguiente información, si bien abarca un amplio espectro político, está centrada en el compañero José Miguel Sánchez, por ser él uno de nuestrxs cercanxs y por ser con quien tenemos más cercanías en la práxis. Sin embargo, no obviamos la realidad de la movilización, viendo a José Miguel como un huelguista más dentro de otrxs tantxs).

Liberacion de animales e incendio en un bioterio de buenos aires (es/en)


El progreso y la ciencia se declara enemiga de la naturaleza y la libertad, es manejada por quienes posen el poder y quieren mantenerlo de su lado cueste lo que cueste. encuentra como parte fundamental de su desarrollo la separación humana del resto de la naturaleza y una de sus practicas para generar su desarrollo es la encarcelación y uso de animales.

El progreso y la ciencia se declara enemiga de la naturaleza y la libertad, es manejada por quienes posen el poder y quieren mantenerlo de su lado cueste lo que cueste. encuentra como parte fundamental de su desarrollo la separación humana del resto de la naturaleza y una de sus practicas para generar su desarrollo es la encarcelación y uso de animales.
Continue reading Liberacion de animales e incendio en un bioterio de buenos aires (es/en)