Tag Archives: communique

No retreat: forward with the struggles for freedom


About the acts of sabotage aganist the high speed trains and an army base

When darkness surrounds the neighbourhoods, immersing the city into a territory under siege – supreme affirmation of state power and its ideology –, it is easy to succumb to total resignation. When the trumpets of war and massacre are braying, crushing the struggles for freedom to leave only space for the fight between two powers that want to impose themselves, it is easy to think that everything is lost. When the media bombings are hammering the message of order, pushing all shouts of refusal and rejection towards the margins, it is easy to stop thinking by yourself and letting yourself be swept away by the bloody current.

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[Italia-Carcere di Ferrara] Riflessioni e illazioni (verosimili…) sul corteo del 5 dicembre 2015 di Venezia.


Ferrara 24/01/16

E guardo il mondo da un oblò…mi annoio un po’…


Riflessioni e illazioni (verosimili…) sul corteo del 5 dicembre 2015 di Venezia.
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Philly Antifa UPDATED: ALERT ALERT SATURDAY 2/6: Racists Rally in Reading, Misogynists/Rape Advocates Rally in Philly


Philly Antifa

UPDATED: It appears that Return of Kings have cancelled all their public meetups do to the strong likelihood of being totally annihilated. Its members will still be meeting in secret, so one can expect Anti-Fascists aren’t done with this yet.
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Paris, La Discordia : Des « tags » sur la bibliothèque anarchiste La Discordia


La Discordia

Comme prévu de longue date, mardi 26 janvier, s’est tenu à La Discordia le débat intitulé « Islamophobie : du racket conceptuel au racket politique ». Nous voulions nous confronter avec d’autres sur un sujet qui est au carrefour de la confusion actuellement répandue entre condamnation du racisme et défense de la religion.
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[Αθήνα] Πανελλαδικό κάλεσμα αγώνα ενάντια στον τρομονόμο


Αυτή τη στιγμή στις ελληνικές φυλακές βρίσκονται δεκάδες πολιτικοί κρατούμενοι που συμμετείχαν ή κατηγορούνται για συμμετοχή σε ένοπλες επαναστατικές οργανώσεις, οι οποίοι έχουν καταδικαστεί σε εκατοντάδες χρόνια φυλάκισης βάσει της “αντιτρομοκρατικής” νομοθεσίας, που αποτελεί το κύριο όπλο της κατασταλτικής πολιτικής του κράτους. Στον καπιταλισμό το κράτος θέλει να κατέχει το μονοπώλιο της βίας και το υπερασπίζεται για να διατηρήσει την κυριαρχία του.
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Greece: The “plea” of anarcho-nihilist Spyros Mandylas for Phoenix Project


Note from Insurrection News: Phoenix Project was initiated in Athens, Greece on the 7th of June 2013 when a car owned by the director of Korydallos prison, Maria Stefi, was blown up by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire FAI-IRF and the Gangs of Conscience FAI-IRF, ‘Sole-Baleno’ cell who then released a communique announcing the project. It’s stated aim was “the rebirth and the dynamic comeback of the urban guerrilla,” a project that would create the terms of the rise of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from the ashes left behind by police oppression. Phoenix Project then spread with attacks occurring again in Greece and further afield in Indonesia, Russia, Mexico, United Kingdom, Italy, Chile and Germany. Phoenix Project is still ongoing, with the most recent action occurring on 10.01.16. in Chile with <a
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Prigionieri | Grecia – Dichiarazione e memoria difensiva di Antonis Staboulos


Leoforos Alexandras, 173 – Atene 04-10-2014.

Il 1-10-2014, mi arrestano e mi portano con un cappuccio sul viso nella stanza per l’inquisizione del servizio antiterrorismo.Dalle 17.00 all’1.00 di notte, legato con le mani dietro alla schiena, un gruppo di incappucciati, mi prende con la violenza DNA e impronte digitali.
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