Tag Archives: Diavolo In Corpo
Per il verso della vita (it/en)
Lope Vargas
Nature, C’est Moi
Nothing to worry about
Throughout its history, humanity has never found itself as unprepared as now. In a little more than a generation our concept of life and the meaning of existence will be radically changed. A landscape as yet unknown extends before our eyes. Its contours are taking form in hundreds of biotechnology laboratories in universities, government agencies and industrial facilities throughout the world. If the 20th century was characterized by the discoveries of physics and chemistry, the 21st century will be profoundly conditioned by the so-called “life sciences”.
The Camps Under the Heavens by Adonide (Diavolo In Corpo)
The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the state of exception in which we live is the rule. We must achieve a concept of history that corresponds to this fact.
— Walter Benjamin
The concept of Rights is a huge apparatus that creates exclusion, that is based on exclusion, and yet the chorus of protest against every sort of exclusion merely demands rights, hoping that the heaven of Rights extends itself to newer and newer lands. In fact, democracy is conceived as this progressive conquest of newer and newer spaces. This is why it is not only defended, but also exported. The of legal acknowledgements must cover more of the possibilities and aspirations of individuals every day. An individual who has his rights is a citizen, which is to say a being who has the right of citizenship in the democratic City.
With the most varied intentions, many are waiting for a renewal of democracy.
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En el centro del volcán, por Dominique Miséin
El texto de este fanzine fue publicado primero en la revista anarquista italiana “Diavolo in corpo” y posteriormente en la versión en castellano del número 3 de la revista anarquista internacional “A Corps Perdú”, de donde recogemos el escrito para su reedición.
El texto es un llamado a la lucidez, un grito, en busca de una reflexión que nos permita dotarnos de una razón sobria pero al mismo apasionada, demoledora con respecto a todos los valores de este mundo y su sociedad, sin viejas glorias que enaltecer, pero con una perspectiva histórica que saber recoger e interpretar, para no cometer los mismos errores una y otra vez.
The Camps Under the Heavens by Adonide (Diavolo In Corpo)
e tradition of the oppressed teaches us
that the state of exception in which we live is the rule.
We must achieve a concept of history that corresponds to this fact.
—Walter Benjamin
The concept of Rights is a huge apparatus that creates exclusion, that is based on exclusion, and yet the chorus of protest against every sort of exclusion merely demands rights, hoping that the heaven of Rights extends itself to newer and newer lands. In fact, democracy is conceived as this progressive conquest of newer and newer spaces. This is why it is not only defended, but also exported. The of legal acknowledgements must cover more of the possibilities and aspirations of individuals every day. An individual who has his rights is a citizen, which is to say a being who has the right of citizenship in the democratic City.
With the most varied intentions, many are waiting for a renewal of democracy.
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Derive d’avanguardia
Barthélémy Schwartz
Il surrealismo ha dato una propria configurazione iniziale all’avanguardia artistico-radicale, durante il periodo fra le due guerre: un gruppo radicale, che agisce essenzialmente nel campo della cultura e della vita quotidiana, presentandosi come laboratorio di esperienze radicali nell’ambito del sensibile, a partire dal quale vengono discussi i progetti utopici che, in parte, determineranno la futura società non capitalista.
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Che cos’è il terrorismo ?
Nel maggio del 1898 re Umberto I, preoccupato per le notizie che giungevano da Milano, dove era appena scoppiato uno sciopero generale, affidò al generale Bava Beccaris il compito di reprimere la sommossa. Ai soldati venne dato ordine di sparare a vista, e Bava Beccaris fece aprire il fuoco sulla città con i mortai. Il bilancio fu di 80 morti e 450 feriti. Fiero dell’impresa compiuta, il generale telegrafò al re che Milano era ormai “pacificata”.
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“Real life is absent. We are not in the world.” — A. Rimbaud
Existence is elsewhere. By now, we know this much too well. We cannot find the fullness capable of giving any meaning to our time on this earth either in a job that sends us traveling along through the crossroads of the career or in a daily life from that no longer holds any wonder for us. We may be able to have, but we no longer know how to be. All the things that surround us and are within our reach in the form of disposable commodities to be accumulated are only scented balms for mortal wounds, for festering open sores caused be the renunciation of the vital minimum. The vital minimum is the possibility of creating and acting with authentic meaning, in other words, autonomy.
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Denaro e Logos
Esiste una relazione tra la nascita della mentalità razionale e lo sviluppo dell’economia commerciale? Nel VII secolo a.C., nelle città greche ionie dell’Asia Minore, avviene tutta una serie di trasformazioni sociali strettamente connesse tra loro. È qui appunto, in quest’epoca, che sorge la mentalità razionale, in un periodo in cui l’economia commerciale marinara comincia a conoscere il suo primo grande sviluppo.
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