Tag Archives: edl

EDL fail to impress in Walthamstow

[Sorry this was posted rather late due to some technical problems]


Anti-Fascist Network Antifascism in the UK

About 100 EDL only marched through Walthamstow on Saturday with the help of a gigantic police operation. A thousand anti fascists of all sorts turned out to oppose the racist march through this multicultural area. Some gathered at the Town Hall, the end, rally, point of the EDL march, while others tried to block the route at the beginning of the march near Blackhorse Road station. Here, police detained a large group of anti fascists for several hours but luckily changed their minds about arresting everyone, for nothing.
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Opposing the EDL in Dudley – reports and thoughts


Some brief reports and thoughts from Dudley at the weekend.

Local and national media mostly seem to be repeating the police’s figures of 600 EDL and 50 anti-fascists. There are some divergences from this. Some media organisations estimated up to 1000 EDL. The UAF stated there were “several hundred” at their counter-demonstration to the EDL.
Continue reading Opposing the EDL in Dudley – reports and thoughts