Tag Archives: Elephant Editions

Palabras de la anarquista Jean Weir (de elephant editions UK) en el juicio de la Lucha Revolucionária


Deseo clarificar, inmediatamente, que me encuentro aquí como una enemiga del Estado y de la sociedad. Lejos de ser una comunidad viva que comparte el bienestar social y la alegría de la vida, lo que es denominado como sociedad no es nada más que la organización aburrida de la desigualdad y la explotación mediante roles sociales y prohibiciones. La ley es la alambrada que mantiene todo en su sitio, y que ha sido asimilada hasta al punto de formar la base inconsciente del hábito diario incluso para aquellos que la aplican. Los media fabrican opiniones para mantener el consenso y la delegación de la responsabilidad individual en ese órgano de terror institucionalizado, el Estado. El Estado incluyendo a sus sujetos, se encuentra en este momento en la base de todas las relaciones sociales, incluida la de hoy en este juzgado.
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A.M. Bonanno

Anarchist practice has fallen sharply in recent years, with few actions either at mass level or at the level of specific groups. As a result we see a revival of the issue of how to get closer to ‘communism’ or to building situations that not only express our ideas and ethical and cultural values but are also capable of satisfying our fundamental personal and collective need for freedom. In other words, there is a proposal to create points of reference that go beyond the classical division between the personal and the political.
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Excerpt from ‘Towards the generalisation of armed struggle’ by Alfredo M. Bonanno (Elephant Editions)



It is within the perspective of generalised mass armed struggle that the insurrection takes on libertarian meaning, and marks the definitive critique of any ‘closed’ attempt to organise the management of the class conflict.
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Inkognito – Erfahrungen jenseits der Identifikation



Die­ses Buch han­delt vom Leben im Ver­bor­ge­nen. Es sticht durch die Dun­kel­heit und springt in die Ge­heim­nis­se des Un­er­kann­ten, des In­ko­gni­to, einem Par­al­lel­uni­ver­sum in dem sogar das was ge­sagt wer­den könn­te, oft­mals nicht aus­ge­spro­chen wird. Sei es aus über­mä­ßi­gem Takt­ge­fühl, Angst oder weil ge­dacht wird, es sei nicht re­le­vant. Oder in be­stimm­ten Mi­lieus und in den här­tes­ten Fäl­len auf­grund blo­ßer po­li­ti­scher Tak­tik.
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Community Sickness


Anarchist practice has fallen sharply in recent years, with few actions either at mass level or at the level of specific groups. As a result we see a revival of the issue of how to get closer to ‘communism’ or to building situations that not only express our ideas and ethical and cultural values but are also capable of satisfying our fundamental personal and collective need for freedom. In other words, there is a proposal to create points of reference that go beyond the classical division between the personal and the political.
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The struggle for self-managed social space


The function of space throughout the development of capital could be described as true ‘history’. From the first enclosures of great masses of people into circumscribed spaces to the most advanced factories today, capitalism has tried to cut out portions of space to dedicate them to one specific use: the production of surplus value. Now, with the advent of the recent post-industrial development and advances in technology, the management of this space has changed profoundly. It has passed from a partial management to a total one. Here capital has had the support of power and the State. We think that it is important to reflect on the conditions of the relationship that exists today between social space and capital.
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