Continua la campagna di pressione sule truppe disoccupazione della Valle. Dopo aver visitato con cori e striscioni gli alberghi dove dormono comodamente, a tre o quattro stelle, le forze dell’ordine che occupano la Valle, questa sera i notav si sono presentati a cena ad Alpignano al ristorante Il Caminetto, dove uomini e mezzi stazionavano per il ristoro serale. Presidio esterno, striscione che dice “Fuori le truppe dalla Valle” e volantinaggio tra i tavoli.
Il brindisi in Clarea per il Capodanno si è rivelato l’ennesima occasione per dimostrare come le truppe di occupazione si ritengano proprietari del territorio e con l’ausilio della forza, intendono dimostrarlo ogni qualvolta ne hanno l’occasione. Continue reading Anche a Capodanno a lè dura!→
International call for solidarity! We, anti-fascists of Stockholm, call upon the international left-wing movement to show solidarity and support to one of our imprisoned comrades. He is in jail for defending a local community-organized anti-racist demonstration in the Kärrtorp area of Stockholm against a brutal nazi-attack on the 15th of December. Locals of all sorts, including parents with their children, elderly and youth, gathered in their neighbourhood to show strength against a nazi organisation that had been attacking local anti-racists and spreading nazi propaganda in schools in the area. Continue reading Free Joel→
“Every new study reveals that global warming is happening far more quickly than was previously anticipated. Staid scientists are now suggesting the real possibility of billions of human beings being killed off by what some are calling a Climate Holocaust. A recently released study suggests an increase in temperatures of 16 degrees Celsius by the year 2100.” Continue reading LEYTE MISSION – DIRECT AND AUTONOMOUS ACTION→
El miércoles 11 de Diciembre, en las afueras de UChile y del Ex-pedagógico, en las intersecciones de Macul con Grecia, se producen enfrentamientos contra la policía, planteando las siguientes problemáticas:
Ha terminado una nueva elección presidencial y mas que disputar dos proyectos políticos distintos, dos idea de ver el país como nos quieren hacer pensar los medios de comunicación, se disputa la legitimidad del sistema. La legitimidad de quien se alza en el gobierno para continuar con la administración del país en función de lo que los empresarios, explotadores y opresores, quieren.
On Saturday, nearly 6,000 protesters marched in the city centre of Berlin during the annual demo in remembrance of comrade Silvio Meier, who was killed by neo-Nazis in 1992. However, on the same day, approximately 150 thugs from the neo-Nazi scene held a rally in one of their strongholds, Schöneweide, against asylum seekers and a recent attack on a prominent Nazi (Björn Wild, who was beaten up by antifas on the street). The fascists waved Greek and Golden Dawn flags next to other nationalist emblems. The antifascist counter-demo on location was rather small in numbers.
There’s big news in Finland right now. An estimated 500 people protested the December 6 presidential celebration in Tampere during ice hockey demo against nationalism and capitalism. Banks and department store windows were smashed and cops attacked. Continue reading Finland: Meanwhile, in Tampere…→
Fue muy emotivo para mi hacer este programa,vivi algunos de los acontecimientos que aqui relato muy de cerca,historias que nada ni nadie borrara de mi memoria y como parte de mis diversas causas…ese es el motivo de este programa de QUE NO OLVIDEN,QUE RECUERDEN O QUE ESCUCHEN LO QUE HACEN CON NUESTR@S JOVENES,CON NUESTRA GENTE EN NUESTROS BARRIOS,es algo para tener en cuenta los dartos que tiran l@s compas de la CORREPI de la desapariciones y crimenes en democracia,la complicidad del poder con los medios represivos,en realidad como dice una compa ESTO ES EL ESTADO,EL ASESINO ESTADO. Continue reading Los Nadie radio show – programa n 9 (noviembre 2013)→