Tag Archives: Gianluca Iacovacci

Guerra a las máquinas! Escrito de Gianluca Lacovacci


Guerra a las máquinas!
                                   Escrito de Gianluca Lacovacci

Gianluca se encuentra actualmente confinado en una cárcel de Italia en el mas riguroso aislamiento,
acusado de acciones contra entes destructores de la tierra. La solidaridad en estos casos tiene que estar mas
viva que nunca. Desde prisión, continua su lucha y posicionamiento sin ceder a las agresiones del enemigo.

A la inercia de la sociedad moderna y
resistencia al dominio tecnológicoindustrial
La cultura moderna, que no significa inteligencia,
nos ha acostumbrado a evaluar y condenar a los que
practican una crítica anticivilización radical, como
una especie de exaltación o incluso una paranoia
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“Not only against prison, but also against the detention of every living being” – Contribution of Gianluca Iacovacci from the prison of Alessandria (Italy)



“Not only against prison, but also against the detention of every living being”

Contribution to the Croce Nera Anarchica bulletin # 1 – September 2014
Continue reading “Not only against prison, but also against the detention of every living being” – Contribution of Gianluca Iacovacci from the prison of Alessandria (Italy)

“La terra trama..” su Radio Blackout, intervista ad un compagno della Marzolo occupata di Padova sulla due giorni benefit per i prigionieri anarchici Gianluca e Adriano


–x audio

Continue reading “La terra trama..” su Radio Blackout, intervista ad un compagno della Marzolo occupata di Padova sulla due giorni benefit per i prigionieri anarchici Gianluca e Adriano

Italy: Text in solidarity with Gianluca and Adriano


Last September, Gianluca and Adriano were arrested and imprisoned in solitary confinement on charges of subversive activity for the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order.

On July 18, there will be a court decision to a request, by the Public Prosecutor, of 8 years for Adriano and 9 years for Gianluca. This trial has been imposed by videoconferencing, as an additional form of punishment and isolation of the accused, which Gianluca and Adriano have refused to undergo.

Continue reading Italy: Text in solidarity with Gianluca and Adriano

Savona, Italy – Three-day initiative at Margonara beach and benefit in solidarity with anarchist comrades Gianluca and Adriano


 We’re meeting at Moloverde like every year, following the wave of protests against the project – by now almost extinct – for the construction of a tourist resort on the beach of Margonara, in Savona. After initiatives, concerts, BBQs and shared expereinces, we are thinking to rebuild what the usual speculators of the concrete industry have destroyed in the last years.

Right on these rocks beautiful huts could be found, which were used by both local fishermen and wonderers or homeless. This year we’re coming back for a three-day initiative dedicated to the construction of a new hut, which will be used by anyone passing by, a first step in the hope to see more huts being built in the area as was in the past.
Works will start on Friday 25th July at 2pm and finish on Sunday 27th July.

Continue reading Savona, Italy – Three-day initiative at Margonara beach and benefit in solidarity with anarchist comrades Gianluca and Adriano



Roma -18 luglio 2014.

I compagni anarchici Gianluca Iacovacci e Adriano Antonacci sono stati condannati , in primo grado in rito abbreviato,gup Simonetta D’Alessandro, rispettivamente a 6 anni e a 3 anni e 8 mesi per una serie di sabotaggi ed attacchi ai danni dell ‘Eni, Enel e banche nella zona dei Castelli romani tra il 2010 ed il 2013 .E’ stato riconosciuto il reato associativo con finalità di terrorismo internazionale.Gianluca ha rivendicato individualmente una parte degli attacchi a firma Fai, nel corso del processo ha rifiutato la difesa, entrambi si sono rifiutati di partecipare al processo in videoconferenza.

Gianluca Iacovacci
CC di Alessandria
Via Casale 50/A
15122 San Michele (AL)
Adriano Antonacci
CC di Ferrara
Via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara