Tag Archives: Green Anarchy

Against Mass Society


from Green Anarchy #6

Many people desire an existence free of coercive authority, where all are at liberty to shape their own lives as they choose for the sake of their own personal needs, values, and desires. For such freedom to be possible, no individual person can extend his or her sphere of control upon the lives of others without their choosing. Many who challenge oppression in the modern world strive toward their conception of a “free society” by attempting to merely reform the most powerful and coercive institutions of today, or to replace them with “directly democratic” governments, community-controlled municipalities, worker-owned industrial federations, etc.
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La verdad sobre la vida primitiva. Una crítica al anarcoprimitivismo


1. Así como la Revolución Industrial sucedió, la sociedad moderna creó para sí un mito auto-condecorativo, el mito del “progreso”: Desde la era de nuestros remotos simios antecesores, la historia humana ha seguido su incesable rumbo hacia un futuro mejor y más brillante, siendo alegremente bienvenidos por todos cada avance tecnológico que surgía: la ganadería, la agricultura, la rueda, la construcción de ciudades, la invención de la escritura y el dinero, los buques de pesca, la brújula, la pólvora, la imprenta, la máquina de vapor, y, al fin, el mayor logro humano, ¡La sociedad indutrial moderna! Antes de la industrialización, prácticamente todo el mundo estaba condenado a una vida invariable, trabajos durísimos, enfermar de desnutrición, y una esperanza de vida reducida. ¿Acaso no somos muy afortunados por vivir en estos tiempos modernos que nos brindan montones de ratos de ocio y un tropel de comodidades tecnológicas para hacer nuestras vidas más fáciles?
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Revolt of the Savages: Primitive Revolts Against Civilization


Kevin Tucker

In ‘The Rising of the Barbarians’ (Green Anarchy #13), the author lays out very clearly his influences for his ‘revolutionary perspective’ in order to draw out exactly where his lines of solidarity lie. I can respect his clarity on the subject, but I think it demands an equal response on my own part.
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The Dance of Life

Feral Faun


Chaos is a dance, a flowing dance of life, and this dance is erotic. Civilization hates chaos and, therefore, also hates Eros. Even in supposedly sexually free times, civilization represses the erotic. It teaches that orgasms are events that happen only in a few small parts of our bodies and only through the correct manipulation of those parts. It squeezes Eros into the armor of Mars, making sex into a competitive, achievement-centered job rather than joyful, innocent play.
Continue reading Paneroticism: