Tag Archives: Hambach forest

Free Radical Radio Reportback from Hambach Forest



In Episode 60, Bellamy is joined by Nicola for a reportback upon their return from the Hambacher Forest occupation in Germany. Later, Bellamy talks solo on drone apologists, the frightening and heartbreaking speed at which wildlife is being annihilated, the joy that is resistance, the nonsense surrounding “saving” the oceans, and what an anarchist perspective on science might look like.
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L’occupazione della foresta di Hambach contro le miniere di carbone


Con questo post diamo avvio alla categoria del blog “La terra trama..”, in cui si parlerà di nocività e devastazioni ambientali, dei territori dove il Dominio vuole allungare i propri tentacoli mortiferi e delle lotte portate avanti da chi si oppone a questo modo di concepire l’esistente che non rispetta ma sfrutta a proprio uso e consumo (e profitto) la vita, le risorse e l’armonia degli esseri viventi, vegetali ed animali, umani e non.
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El bosque de Hambasch (Hambascher Forst, en alemán) es un bosque cerca de la ciudad alemana de Colonia, y que se encuentra dentro de los planes de construcción (o mejor dicho, de destrucción) de una empresa llamada RWE, la cual pretende convertir la superficie del bosque en un gigantesco agujero, al establecer allí una mina a cielo abierto de carbón marrón, uno de los minerales más contaminantes y peligrosos en su uso como recursos energéticos.
Continue reading HAMBASCHER FORST (2014)

Hambacher Forest Occupation Call for Solidarity


We are presently blocking the expansion of the largest opencast lignite mine in Western Europe with treesits and barricades through out the Hambacher Forest. After the last eviction on March 27th 2014 we have re-occupied the forest, this time, building up not one but two separate tree sits with multiple platforms, tree-houses, walk ways in between and barricades throughout the forest.

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Germany’s Hambach Forest Occupation Calls for Solidarity and Support


Greetings and Salutations from the Hambacher Forest Occupation!

We are presently blocking the expansion of the largest opencast lignite mine in Western Europe with tree sits and barricades through out the Hambacher Forest. After the last eviction on March 27th 2014 we re-occupied the forest, this time, building up two tree sits with multiple platforms, tree-houses, walk ways in between and barricades .

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