In the last days, several clashes happened in the Hambach Forest, who is endangered by clearcut. The events reached ended in the arrest of two comrades and the following reactions by activists yesterday.
Continue reading Hambacher Forst | Arrests at Militant Actions Against the Forest Clearance
Tag Archives: Hambach forest
The result of the treatment: a sprait rist hematomas and read eyes. Mister Blue was abused by RWE private security personal, Police refused medical treatment.
Continue reading MISTER BLUE
Today, we‘re having a party on the Hambachbahn! Come join us! You can contact the press team by dialing (+49)15780831914.
Our shit against your violence!
Today, the golden piece of shit goes to the police station Düren – in the truest sense of the word. To oppose something to the repressive bullshit with increasing brutality, that the activists of the Hambach Forest lately have to suffer, flew last night paint & shit bombs to the police station. In addition, a banner was hoisted on which was: “Our shit against your violence!” This should should explain why there were, outside and inside of the gates of the police station, splashes of paint and shit and a stench was spreading.
Continue reading Our shit against your violence!
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Ursprünglich sollte es nur ein Zine, also eine kleine Broschüre, werden. Doch jetzt sind so viele interessante Texte zusammen gekommen, dass wir beschlossen haben daraus ein Buch zu machen. Deshalb wird diesen Sommer ein Buch über die Waldbesetzung im Hambacher Forst erscheinen. Aktuelle Infos werden an dieser Stelle veröffentlicht.
Continue reading Neu-Erscheinung:Neu-Erscheinung:
Latest information on the person in detention
Today we received some new information from the lawyer of the detained person. The arrest probably went off very brutal. He was reportedly beaten badly by both Security and the police as well. A broken wrist, impact marks and a redness of the eye is the result.
Continue reading Latest information on the person in detention
Germany: Hambach Defenders Continue Machine Occupations; One in Custody
Another friend in custody!
Yesterday a conveyor belt in the Hambach mine was blocked. One person involved in the action was released from the detention center, the other was withheld. Today this one was presented to the magistrate, who decided to keep her-him in pre-trial detention! We know that s-he was seriously injured at the wrist. So heavy that s-he voluntarily left the conveyor belt and was not cleared! As soon as our fellow Jus was free again, they grabbed the next person. Incredible! Further information will follow…
Main conveyor belts blocked- Update and declaration
7.October at 3:35 . Once again all conveyor belts are standing still. This time 3 Persons got together
to stand their ground against the harassments of the workers and the cruelty of the cops. 10 minutes later there is no comunication possible anymore. Around 5:30 we get a call that the cops will bring them to Juelich. Then the call ends with a cry of pain.
Continue reading Main conveyor belts blocked- Update and declaration
News from Hambacher Forst
Lignite Excavator squatted!
Newest first on Twitter
9:00 All free again. See you next time!
2:47 RWE guards are present. They took a backpack from us.
Continue reading News from Hambacher Forst