Tag Archives: Hambach forest

Waldspaziergang mit Michael Zobel und Köln goes Wald am Sonntag den 14. Juni


„Hallo zusammen,

am kommenden Sonntag ist es wieder soweit. Die 14. Führung im Hambacher Forst mit dem Waldpädagogen und Naturführer Michael Zobel steht an. Und so wie es jetzt schon aussieht, wird am Sonntag der 1000ste Teilnehmer/ die 1000ste Teilnehmerin begrüßt .
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Greece: Eco-Resistance Solidarity Messages Cover Athens Ahead of June 11 Anarchist Gathering


Several banners were placed in central areas of Athens ahead of the anarchist gathering to be held on Thursday evening, June 11th, at Voutie Park in the Athens neighbourhood of Ano Petralona. With slogans in different languages, reference was made to the struggles against the construction of the TAV Lyon-Turin high-speed rail project, in the Susa Valley and the village of Chiomonte, and against the installation of the MUOS military telecommunications system on Sicily; in defense of the Hambach Forest in Germany, threatened by devastation caused by lignite mining (during the gathering of June 11th, comrades will provide updates on this fight); and in solidarity with long-term ecoanarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch, whose request for conditional release was once again rejected by the Swiss authorities, and with Marius Jacob Mason, trans anarchist prisoner in the US.
Continue reading Greece: Eco-Resistance Solidarity Messages Cover Athens Ahead of June 11 Anarchist Gathering

Germany: Giant Coal Excavator Occupied


(The occupation is ongoing)
Last night at 1 am, four activists occupied a large bucket wheel excavator in the Inden opencast mine. They climbed to the top of the excavator about 70m high. The machine halted is one of the largest machines in the world that normally destroys 24/7, literally churning the landscape. In Inden lignite is promoted for Rhenish mining area above ground, that is: Everything is about being in the way and will be destroyed; who lives about is expropriated and expelled.  Where villages, fields, meadows and woods once stood inconceivably huge holes appear in the landscape, an industrial wasteland to the horizon. Of all of the energy sources, lignite, is ridiculously inefficient, releasing huge loads of CO2 and particulate emissions, and the conversion of power supply to renewables sabotaged with inflexible “baseload plants”.

Continue reading Germany: Giant Coal Excavator Occupied

Demo: Der Hambacher Forst braucht dich!


Am 21. Mai findet im Aachener Verwaltungsgericht der Prozess statt, in dem entschieden werden soll, ob das Bauamt des Kreises Düren das Recht zur sofortigen Zwangsräumung der besetzten Wiese am Hambacher Forst hat. Seit drei Jahren kämpfen dort Umweltaktivist*innen gegen die Erweiterung des Tagebaus Hambach in der Nähe von Köln. Durch vielfältige Protestformen versuchen sie die tödliche Braunkohleverstromung zu stoppen, die schon jetzt zu erheblichen Schäden für Tiere, Menschen und der Umwelt geführt hat. Die Interessen von Großkonzernen, wie RWE, werden über alles andere gestellt und die Folgen ignoriert, verheimlicht oder heruntergespielt.
Das muss ein Ende haben!
Continue reading Demo: Der Hambacher Forst braucht dich!

Giant Coal Excavator Occupied, Hambacher Forest, Germany


The Hambach Forest, in Southwest Germany, is the site of an ongoing forest and meadow occupation against the expansion of the adjacent lignite (brown coal) mine.

March 15th, 2015

In the night from Saturday to Sunday at about 00:30 am, activists of the anti-coal-movement have occupied an excavator inside the opencast-mine Inden. One person is locked on, three others have climbed the digger with harnesses. A banner reading “Lignite kills. Everywhere.” was dropped.
Continue reading Giant Coal Excavator Occupied, Hambacher Forest, Germany

#– 86 Resistencia en el bosque de Hambach


En esta nueva edición nos acercamos a la resistencia del bosque de Hambach (Köln, Alemania Occidental) para frenar el avance de una de las minas a cielo abierto más grandes de Europa.De mano de nuestro invitado recorreremos las diferentes estrategias llevadas a cabo, frente a esta amenaza en uno de los bosques más antiguos del territorio europeo, la represión a la que se enfrentan las activistas y cómo podemos apoyar desde el Estado español.
Continue reading #– 86 Resistencia en el bosque de Hambach

Serata su foresta di Hambach e concerti alla Libera Comunanza Occupata [S. Benedetto del Tronto – AP]



– Apericena

– Proiezione e discussione sull’oocupazione della foresta di Hambach (Germania), in opposizione alla più grande miniera di carbone in Europa.
Continue reading Serata su foresta di Hambach e concerti alla Libera Comunanza Occupata [S. Benedetto del Tronto – AP]