Tag Archives: KK Abacus

Insurrectionary Anarchy

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Organising for Attack!

“From a certain point onward, there is no turning back. That is the point that must be reached.”
– Franz Kafka.

For us anarchists the questions of how to act and how to organise are intimately linked. And it is these two questions, not the question of the desired form of a future society, that provide us with the most useful method for understanding the various forms of anarchism that exist.
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The Violence of Poverty

pilar y mascota

by Patrizia

Yet another rape. But today violence against a woman is more amusing if it takes place in a group: of at leas 14. This is what happened in a village in Sicily, Militello. A fifteen year old girl was raped by boys between 11 and 18 years old all looking for adventure. An adventure with a girl whose parents had just returned to Sicily after years of emigration.
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The Cops In Our Heads: Some thoughts on anarchy and morality (en/es)



In my travels over the past several months, I have talked with many anarchists who conceive of anarchy as a moral principle. Some go so far as to speak of anarchy as though it were a deity to whom they had given themselves–reinforcing my feeling that those who really want to experience anarchy may need to divorce themselves from anarchism.
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Facing the Enemy


A platformist interpretation of the history of anarchist organization

Review by Jason McQuinn

Facing the Enemy: A History of Anarchist Organization from Proudhon to May 1968 by Alexandre Skirda, translated by Paul Sharkey (AK Press, POB 40682, San Francisco, CA 94140-0682, USA; AK Press, POB 12766, Edinburgh, EH8 9YE, Scotland; & Kate Sharpley Library, BM Hurricane, London, WC1 3XX, England; 2002) 292 pp., $17.95 paper.

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A Distanza


(Killing King Abacus)

Ma da ogni altro punto di vista che non sia quello del facilitare il controllo poliziesco, la Parigi di Haussmann è  una città costruita da un idiota, piena di rumore e violenza, che non significa nulla.
G. Debord

Haussmann non ha inventato la progettazione della città; già i romani e i cinesi antichi pianificavano le città. Quelle moderne vennero progettate e costruite nelle colonie britanniche e francesi prima che in Europa. Washington DC venne progettata e costruita su di un’area vuota decenni prima che Haussmann rimodellasse Parigi. La differenza è che Haussmann costruì la sua nuova capitale sopra la vecchia Parigi, una città preindustriale.
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A Palestinian schoolboy runs past a burning tyre during clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian stone-throwers in Hebron


Translated from: Neither their war nor their peace, June 1999.


The pacifist abhors war and blesses the state. In times of peace, he has been taught–and he has believed–that society is a vast system of communication where all controls itself by means of dialogue, in a nonviolent manner. It follows from this that only one who, living on the periphery of these communicating vessels, mocks the hopeless cornerstone of vain democratic chattering with blows is candidate to suffer brute force.

Some notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism


  Insurrectionary anarchism is not an ideological solution to all social problems, a commodity on the capitalist market of ideologies and opinions, but an on-going praxis aimed at putting an end to the domination of the state and the continuance of capitalism, which requires analysis and discussion to advance.  We don’t look to some ideal society or offer an image of utopia for public consumption.  Throughout history, most anarchists, except those who believed that society would evolve to the point that it would leave the state behind, have been insurrectionary anarchists.
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Against the Language of Militancy (en/it)

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Wolfi Landstreicher
Sadly, in recent years, too much of the writing coming out of social conflict is wrought with stiff, wooden language, a tired, dead language that seems to contradict the energy of the rebellions of which they speak. It is the language of militancy, not of freedom, not of individuality creating itself against all odds. Perhaps this is, in part, because many of the present-day conflicts spring from the harshness of the times; they are responses to the hardness of current social, political and economic realities. But how can a response in kind counter these realities? Shouldn’t the very method of our response reflect our rejection of these imposed realities?

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Killing King Abacus No. 1(introduction-spring 2000)

Killing King Abacus No. 1


Spring 2000

 To Kill King Abacus is to create relations without measure. If we aim to destroy capitalism we cannot reproduce its necrophilic logic which reduces relationships to numbers. To Kill King Abacus is to destroy the social net which privileges mediated transactions and images over direct relations. Because money is a general equivalent and thus is nearly limitless in its applications, it conquers other signifiers of value; capitalism transforms other value systems

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