Tag Archives: Klee Benally

Interview with Klee Benally



[submittor note: This interview and the rest of issue #1 of Black Seed can now be found at the Anarchist Library http://theanarchistlibrary.org/topics/black-seed]

Klee Benally is originally from Black Mesa and has worked most of his life at the front lines in struggles to protect Indigenous sacred lands. Klee doesn’t believe the current dominant social order (read “colonial system”) can be fixed but should (and will be) smashed to pieces. When asked about his politics he says, “I maintain Diné traditionalism as my way of being in this world. I have affinity with Anarchism and identify myself as an Indigenous Anarchist.” Klee performed with the rock group Blackfire for 20 years and performs solo today. http://kleebenally.com/
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