La cuestión que me propongo tratar esta noche es una de las más importantes en la serie de las grandes cuestiones que se ofrecen a la humanidad del siglo XIX. Después de la cuestión económica, después de la del Estado, aquélla es, quizás, la mas importante de todas. En realidad, puesto que la distribución de la justicia fue el principal instrumento en la constitución de todos los poderes, puesto que es la base misma y el fundamento más sólido de los poderes constituidos, no exageraré si digo que la cuestión de saber qué debe hacerse con los que cometen actos antisociales, encierra en si la gran cuestión del gobierno y del Estado.
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Tag Archives: Kropotkin P.
Kropotkin on communes and wages
Kropotkin on communes and wages by Peter Kropotkin.
Published by Bastard Press
English – 24 pages
The Wage System first published in 1920. On a proposed communist settlement first published in 1895.
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Escrito durante el año de 1880, este corto ensayo del teórico libertario del anarcocomunalismo, Pedro Kropotkin, A los jóvenes, fue publicado en el periódico Le Révolté, teniendo, desde ese momento, una enorme aceptación entre los lectores, aceptación que se vió reflejada en las numerosas reediciones del ensayo, el cual fue traducido a varios idiomas, siendo también incluido en la conocida recopilación de escritos de Kropotkin, Palabras de un rebelde, editada a fines del siglo XIX.
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The Action of the Masses and the Individual
Pëtr Kropotkin
Our comrades are perfectly right to say [in their letter] that the May strikes are a consequence of general economic conditions. If the return of work to the mines and in the iron industry, and if dreadful poverty in the other trades did not exist, there wouldn’t have been any strikes at all, as there weren’t any on such a large scale ten years ago. But what our comrades ignore is that, outside all socialist organisations, right now, within the workers of all nationalities, an immense work to press on to a general strike is taking place. Democrats, trade unionists, socialists, anarchists, have absolutely nothing to do with it. – “We are overwhelmed by this movement” we were told, two years ago, by a Belgian socialist. In England, in a big city, at least socialists took hold of this movement. They were well received at first; but when people realised that they wanted to enlist it to an electoral aim, they threw them overboard.<a id="fn_back1" class="footnote"
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Insurrezioni e Rivoluzione
P. Kropotkin
Ci vogliono delle insurrezioni locali, perché un giorno la Rivoluzione diventi possibile. Fa d’uopo anzi ch’esse siano numerose. Ci vogliono pure delle città e delle regioni agricole che abbiano la tradizione delle insurrezioni.
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Pëtr Kropotkin
It is told of Rothschild that, seeing his fortune threatened by the revolution of 1849, he hit upon the following stratagem: — “I am quite willing to admit,” said he, “that my fortune has been accumulated at the expense of others, but if it were divided among the millions of Europe to-morrow the share of each would only amount to five schillings if he asks me for it.”
Having given due publicity to his promise, our millionaire proceeded as usual to stroll quietly through the streets of Frankfort. Three or four passers-by asked for their five schillings, which he disbursed with a sardonic smile. His stratagem succeeded and the family of the millionaire is still in possession of its wealth.
The Action of the Masses and the Individual
Pëtr Kropotkin
Our comrades are perfectly right to say [in their letter] that the May strikes are a consequence of general economic conditions. If the return of work to the mines and in the iron industry, and if dreadful poverty in the other trades did not exist, there wouldn’t have been any strikes at all, as there weren’t any on such a large scale ten years ago.
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In Russian and French Prisons
Peter Kropotkin
This text was taken from In Russian and French Prisons, London: Ward and Downey; 1887.
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Advice to Those About to Emigrate
In these days when Home Colonisation is seriously discussed, and is even tried, in England as an outlet for the populations of our congested towns, the following letters will be of much interest to our readers. A comrade in New South Wales, writing to Kropotkin for suggestions and advice, says:
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El gobierno representativo – Piotr Kropotkin
Cuando observamos las sociedades humanas en sus rasgos esenciales, haciendo abstracción de las manifestaciones secundarias y temporales, nos encontramos con que el régimen político por el que se rigen es la expresión del régimen económico existente en el seno de la sociedad. La organización política no cambia a gusto de los legisladores; puede cambiar de nombre, presentarse hoy con el nombre de monarquía, mañana con el de la República; pero su fondo no sufre modificación esencial: se adapta siempre al régimen económico, del cual es expresión, al mismo tiempo que lo consagra y lo mantiene.
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