North Kurdistan / Southeast Turkey: In the context of ongoing clashes with Turkish ‘security forces’ in the Kurdish cities and towns that have declared autonomy from the Turkish state, the Bağlar police station in Amed (Diyarbakir) was targeted with an explosive attack late on the evening of 16.12.15.
Continue reading North Kurdistan: Explosive attack against Bağlar police station in Amed
Tag Archives: Kurd Struggle
Ecology & Anti-Capitalism in Rojava: Paul Z. Simons part 3 of 3
This week we start off with a dispatch from Sean Swain, read by William. Sean is an anarchist prisoner we’ve featured commentary from over the past 2 years. Sean Swain has been under media block for the past few months, so his commentary here has been sparse. In this segment he addresses his media silencing and his bid for presidency of the U.S. in 2016. More of Sean’s writings at
Continue reading Ecology & Anti-Capitalism in Rojava: Paul Z. Simons part 3 of 3
Censorship: Rojava Plan YouTube account closed after review by YouTube
According to the emails below (see photos above – Insurrection News) , our accounts have been excessively flagged as inappropriate. Our account has been closed after undergoing a review by YouTube for violating their community guidelines.
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[NEA]-Tresen: „Antifaschistischer (Video-)Jahresrückblick“
Antifaschistischer (Video-)Jahresrückblick
Antifa-Tresen und Videobeiträge:
Do, 17.12.2015 | 20:00 Uhr | Bandito Rosso (Lottumstraße 10A / Prenzlauer Berg)
Veranstalter*innen: North-East Antifascists [NEA]
Eintritt: frei
Gemeinsam wollen wir auf das Jahr 2015 aus antifaschistischer Perspektive zurückschauen. Dazu haben werden wir mehrere Videobeiträge zeigen und mit euch diskutieren: Welche Erfolge konnten dieses Jahr verbucht werden? Wie hat sich die “Antifa-Debatte” auf die Praxis ausgewirkt? Wie weiter 2016? Wir werden einen kleinen Ausblick geben. Dazu leckeres veganes Essen, kühle Getränke und Raum für Vernetzung und Austausch in entspannter Atmosphäre.
Weiterhin gibt es Soli-Cocktails für die Kampagne: „Eine Feuerwehr für Rojava„.
Guerillas In Şengal City Center
A new operation to liberate Şengal (Sinjar) from ISIS control began this morning and is continuing with all a speed, reports an article Özgür Gündem compiled by ANHA.
Continue reading Guerillas In Şengal City Center
Kurdistan updates
Death Toll rise to 6 in Nusaybin
MÊRDÎN – The curfew has been continued for 4 days. Bilal Erdoğan has been killed during the blockade in Nusaybin.
The number of people who lost their lives during the last practice of the curfew rise to 6 in Nusaybin district of Mardin. Bilal Erdoğan was badly wounded by the attacks. As learned, he lost his life. After the autopsy in Nusaybin State Hospital, his body will be taken by his family to his hometown Diyarbakır.
Continue reading Kurdistan updates
Pomeriggio di tensione quello di venerdì 11 dicembre nel Kurdistan Turco.
Un ragazzino ucciso a Nusaybin
8 dicembre 2015
Hakan Doğan( 13-14 anni) è stato colpito a morte a Nusaybin.Il quinto coprifuoco è stato proclamato a Nusaybin distretto di Mardin.Hakan Doğan è stato colpito a morte a Nusaybin.Secondo i rapporti ricevuti,Hakan è stato colpito da un cecchino nel quartiere Firat.Hakan è stato portato all’Ospedale di stato di Nusaybin.
E ieri un altro ragazzino M.A (12 anni) è stato colpito durante gli attacchi nel quartiere Firat.
Paul Z. Simons on the Dispaches from Rojava (part 2 of 3): Form, Function, Gender & Martyr culture in the Rojava Revolution
his episode features part two of Bursts conversation Paul Z. Simons on his recent trip to the northern, autonomous regions of Syria known as Rojava. In this conversation Paul shares his experiences of gender, feminism, power distribution and infrastructure in Rojava and his thoughts as a post-left anarchist of experiencing what he’d consider a social revolution. Paul is an editor of the Modern Slavery Magazine, where his writings can be found here and William’s interview with him last year can be found HERE. You can find weblinks and more context on the page for our prior conversations on Rojava with Paul.
Continue reading Paul Z. Simons on the Dispaches from Rojava (part 2 of 3): Form, Function, Gender & Martyr culture in the Rojava Revolution
Due persone uccise a Nusaybin.Impossibile il recupero dei corpi
6 dicembre 2015
Due persone sono state uccise nel quartiere Dicle di Nusaybin,distretto di Mardin,in risultato al fuoco aperto da un veicolo blindato.Gli attacchi si sono intensificati dopo che il quinto coprifuoco è stato dichiarato in mattinata.Un veicolo blindato ha aperto il fuoco sulla popolazione.Tre persone sono rimaste gravemente ferite.Due di loro hanno perso la vita.
Continue reading Due persone uccise a Nusaybin.Impossibile il recupero dei corpi