Tag Archives: Kurdistan

Internationalist fighters in Rojava call on youth to join Bakur’s resistance


internationalist combatants fighting in the ranks of YPG/YPJ in Rojava have saluted the self-rule resistance in Bakur (North) Kurdistan, and called upon the youths to join the resistance alongside the YPS (Civil Defense Units) and guerrilla forces.

Thursday, January 14, 2016 4:10 PM

Internationalist combatants fighting in the ranks of YPG/YPJ (People’s/Women’s Defense Units) have released a statement saluting the self-rule resistance in Bakur (North) Kurdistan. Revolutionaries called upon the youths to join the resistance alongside the YPS (Civil Defense Units) and guerrilla forces.
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Uccise dalle forze dello stato turco 3 donne militanti


5 gennaio 2016

3 donne militanti  sono state uccise dalle forze dello stato turco in una esecuzione extragiudiziale a Silopi distretto di Şırnak.L’esponente dell’Assemblea parlamentare del Partito democratico delle regioni (BDP) Sêvê Demir,la co-presidente del consiglio del popolo Pakize Nayır e l’attivista del Congresso delle donne libere (KJA) Fatma Uyar,sono state assassinate dalle forze dello stato turco a Silopi dove il coprifuoco rimane in vigore per 23 giorni.
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updates Kurdistan

Youth kidnapped and then executed by police in Silopi680x350cc-srnk-31-12-15-silopi-olum-manset (31.12.2015)

ŞIRNAK (DİHA) – State forces that have yet not been able to break the popular resistance in the areas of self-rule in Şırnak’s Silopi district have started to perpetrate executions in custody.

Whereabouts of Nejat Öden (18) remained unknown for the last three days since he left home to go to a neighbor, when he was believed to have been abducted by special operation police. His death was revealed by a photo showing his dead body.
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YDG-H: 35 members of security forces killed in Cizre and Silopi (en/es)


As Kurdish people’s self-rule resistance in response to the attacks of Turkish forces continues, actions by local self-defense units left 35 members of Turkish military and police forces dead, and 7 others wounded in Cizre and Silopi.

Monday, December 28, 2015 5:55 PM

As Kurdish people’s self-rule resistance in response to the attacks of Turkish forces continues, actions by local self-defense units left 35 members of Turkish military and police forces dead, and 7 others wounded in Cizre and Silopi districts of Şırnak.
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updates from Kurdistan


Two more babies killed in Cizre



ŞIRNEX – Two babies, one in the womb were killed in Cizre where is under the martial law practices. Two babies were preterm (5 and 7 month) in Cizre and they lost their life because of could not be taken to hospital. The mothers have the risk of death.

The resistance has been continued on 13th day in Cizre district of Şırnak. The State forces are continuing to kill the babies. Ayşe Segin and Zekiye Eren went through a trauma because of the attacks in Cudi neighborhood of Cizre and they gave the preterm birth. Their babies lost their life because of could not be taken to hospital.
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Le YPG/SDF conquistano la diga di Tishrin, continua la disarticolazione del Daesh


A quasi un anno di distanza dalla gloriosa liberazione di Kobane un altro importante passo avanti è stato compiuto oggi dalle YPG del Rojava, ormai partecipi assieme ad altre milizie rappresentative dei popoli siriani al progetto delle Forze Siriane Democratiche (SDF).
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