On the Internet in the spring of 2000, the first disinformation campaign aimed at giving credence to the idea of religious racism in Europe was developed. It made a strong contribution to the about-face of some left and ultra-left militants. These militants didn’t hesitate in renouncing a project, a thought and a language rooted in three centuries of revolutionary battle.
Tag Archives: Machete
How could someone think that he had to make belated “excuses” – or even merely express “regrets” – for the passionate groping path, for the fever that had been?
For desiring only the fiery beauties and comradeships never dared – with a frightening lack of concern (never found again) on all sides in the face of all powers?
L’occasione fa…
Affari di gioco
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Rising at dawn. Quickly going off to work, using some fast means of locomotion; in other words, getting locked up in a more or less spacious place, usually lacking air. Seated in front of a computer, typing without rest in order to transcribe letters, half of which wouldn’t even get written if you had to do it by hand. Or operating some mechanical device, manufacturing objects that are always identical. Or never moving more than a few steps away from an engine whose motion needs to be ensured or whose functioning needs to be monitored. Or, finally, standing in front of a loom continuously repeating the same gestures, the same movements, mechanically, automatically. And this for hours and hours without changing, without taking any recreation, without a change of atmosphere. Every day!
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Tesi sul razzismo
Les Amis de Némésis
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Afraid of our roots
Anarchism asserted itself within the First International as a movement of revolt against the centralized, authoritarian and State-centred Marxist tendencies. Later marxism specialized in electoral politics while anarchism developed a vigorous anti-parliamentarian character. In its first decades of life, militant anarchism was a revolutionary movement advocating a social system based on libertarian communism, which was to be achieved through social revolution, i.e. through the destruction of the State and of all orders and privileges, by recourse to the direct action of individuals along with the oppressed, dispossessed masses. The project was too plain to offer anything to political calculation, too radical to allow niches to the comfortable liberalism of well-heeled revolutionaries, too intransigent to make itself available to the intrigues of opportunism. In order to be carried out, this project required that one’s ideas be resolute and steady, it required determination and unselfishness, all things that were rare among the avid crowd of political adventurers. Our first comrades were good-hearted, honest intellectuals and intelligent and generous workers, always ready, the former as well as the latter, to take up arms and struggle for the triumph of anarchy. Until the first wave of revisionism came over.
Affari di gioco
Più che mai lo sport contraddistingue il nostro spazio e il nostro tempo. Malgrado le centinaia di milioni di tesserati sul pianeta, i miliardi di telespettatori, la sua importanza nel commercio mondiale, le sue complicità politico-finanziarie ed il suo potere egemonico sul corpo, lo sport viene presentato come un innocuo e piacevole passatempo.
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Pazzo fu sempre
De’ molti il regno. Un sol comandi, e quegli
Cui scettro e leggi affida il Dio, quei solo
Ne sia di tutti correttor supremo
Con questi versi di Omero si apre uno dei più celebri classici del pensiero antiautoritario, il Discorso sulla servitù volontaria di La Boétie, studio pionieristico sulle cause che inducono l’essere umano a rinunciare alla propria libertà per sottomettersi a decisioni prese da qualcun altro. Meno noto è il titolo originale di quest’opera: Contr’Uno. La data della sua stesura, la metà del Cinquecento, ha permesso a molti di delimitare l’ambito storico di questa analisi e del suo significato, disinnescandone in tal modo la carica detonante.
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