If we address ourselves to you, men and women who have reached the point of essential revulsion and who nothing and no one could any longer rescue from a tragic destiny, it is not to remind you of a non-existent duty in the face of a life that isn’t worth living. We don’t lack respect for your decision, because you and you alone know the precise extent of the pain and anguish that poison your existence. Those who do not feel that pain and anguish, those who have never even come close to this because they are kissed by fortune or soft in the head due to faith, have no reason to censure your fatal decision.
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Tag Archives: Machete
The Absolute
Of course, man invented God so that someone greater than him could defend his misery. God is the dialectical antithesis of human imperfections. Ideal entities serve as compensations for misery. Thus, the qualities given to gods describe through contradiction the defects and sordidness of those who create the gods.
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Were We Supposed to Excuse Ourselves?
How could someone think that he had to make belated “excuses” – or even merely express “regrets” – for the passionate groping path, for the fever that had been?
Troglodytes (2000)
That is what we are. Good only for inhabiting the caverns of dreams and metaphysics, unworthy of setting foot in the palaces of concreteness and practicality. We draw out our existence at least a millennium late. We don’t know how to get in line with the times; we don’t strive to come into tune with the present; we insist upon doing untimely things of little convenience to ourselves.
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And You Call This Living?
Rising at dawn. Quickly going off to work, using some fast means of locomotion; in other words, getting locked up in a more or less spacious place, usually lacking air. Seated in front of a computer, typing without rest in order to transcribe letters, half of which wouldn’t even get written if you had to do it by hand. Or operating some mechanical device, manufacturing objects that are always identical. Or never moving more than a few steps away from an engine whose motion needs to be ensured or whose functioning needs to be monitored. Or, finally, standing in front of a loom continuously repeating the same gestures, the same movements, mechanically, automatically. And this for hours and hours without changing, without taking any recreation, without a change of atmosphere. Every day!
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Lo spettacolo e le macerie
L’Internazionale Situazionista ed il Maggio ’68
Se La società dello spettacolo di Guy Debord è reputato il testo che meglio ha saputo esprimere in maniera compiuta la critica formulata dai situazionisti al mondo esistente, il movimento delle occupazioni del maggio ‘68 in Francia viene considerato l’apice della loro pratica, il loro ingresso nella Storia. Ad una storiografia accademica che ha intenzionalmente ignorato o minimizzato il ruolo svolto dall’IS nella genesi e nel successivo sviluppo di quella primavera di liberazione, preferendo puntare i suoi riflettori sul più presentabile “Movimento 22 marzo”, se n’è via via contrapposta una pro-situs che, invertendo la tendenza, si è prodigata per innalzare un monumento ai suoi beniamini.
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The revolutionary is the ultimate illegalist. The person whose actions always conform to the law will be, in the best of circumstances, a well-domesticated beast, never a revolutionary.
Law conserves; revolution regenerates.
If one wants change, it is thus necessary to start by breaking the law.
To claim that revolution can be made while respecting the law is an aberration, a contradiction. The law is a yoke and anyone who wants to be free has to break it.
Anyone who deceives the workers with the emancipation of the proletariat through legal means is a swindler, since the law forbids snatching wealth from the hands of the masters that robbed us. Their expropriation to the benefit of all is the essential condition for the emancipation of humanity.
The law is a brake and we don’t free ourselves with brakes.
Every freedom that humanity has conquered has been the work of illegalists who have mastered laws in order to smash them to bits.
Tyrants die, stabbed, and no article of the legal code could have gotten rid of them.
Expropriation can only come about by breaking the law, certainly not by submitting to it.
This is the real reason why if we want to be revolutionaries, we have to be illegalists. It is necessary to get off the beaten paths and open new paths to transgression.
Rebellion and legality are irreconcilable. Leave law and order to conservatives and hucksters.
from Machete #1
La zampata della vita
Sviluppatosi a partire dagli anni 80, il movimento di liberazione animale ha avuto il merito di ampliare e precisare i termini dell’antica “questione sociale”. Una trasformazione radicale che agogna un mondo nuovo, privo di sfruttamento e di dominio, non può limitarsi a mutare i rapporti fra i soli esseri umani. Anche il rapporto con la natura e con il (resto del) mondo animale è destinato a modificarsi, altrettanto radicalmente. Quella che in passato era più che altro un’intuizione di pochi sovversivi, è diventata un’evidenza ormai riconosciuta da (quasi) tutti.
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Senza colpo ferire
La non-violenza? Gran bella idea, quella resa celebre molti anni fa da Gandhi! Da allora in tutto il mondo sono risuonate le sue parole, che parlano dell’orrore della violenza e della felicità che attende gli uomini non appena si decideranno ad addomesticare le proprie passioni. Siccome la dottrina proviene da una delle terre più povere del mondo; siccome udendola si ha davanti agli occhi l’immagine del sant’uomo che, per mettere in pratica le proprie convinzioni, si spogliò di tutto e visse in totale frugalità; siccome non si può dimenticare che il suo autore, a causa delle idee che professava, fu arrestato dalle truppe del colonialismo britannico; siccome è noto che egli morì tragicamente da martire della verità — non si può fare a meno di emozionarsi intimamente al suo pensiero.
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Basta una contestazione non-violenta?
Günther Anders
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