Issue #9, October-November 2015
The Missouri Prison Newsletter is distributed to (about 230) people in prisons across the U.S., but focusing on those incarcerated in Missouri and Illinois.
Continue reading Missouri Prison Newsletter #9 →

Issue #7, January-February 2015-Ferguson Part 2
The Missouri Prison Newsletter is distributed to (about 200) people in prisons across the U.S., but focusing on those incarcerated in Missouri and Illinois. This issue provides an updated chronology of major events, protests and riots since the August uprising and personal accounts of three significant moments of collective rebellion.
Continue reading Missouri Prison Newsletter #7-Ferguson Part 2 →

The Missouri Prison Newsletter is distributed to (about 150) people in prisons across the U.S., but focusing on those incarcerated in Missouri and Illinois. This issue focuses specifically on the recent uprisings in Ferguson, MO, and contains original personal accounts of the riots, analysis and a timeline of the uprisings as they unfolded.
Continue reading Missouri Prison Newsletter #6–Ferguson →
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