Tag Archives: Music

“Solidarity With All Political Prisoners”


By low_entropy

download link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/e2ntxz
“ghosts of the civil dead” is an australian movie from 1988. it is one of the only movies that takes a side with prisoners – beyond “street gang romanticism” etc. in hollywood movies – and shows how the state lives, enforces, profits from the prison system and not only uses it to keep the “prisoners” in line – but in the end the whole of the population.
it has been a source of samples for both techno, breakcore and underground tracks, and this is a minimix of tracks that use the movie as an inspiration and source.
solidarity with all political prisoners. solidarity with all prisoners!

Compilation Anti-Cie, collettivo “Tra vento e tempesta”

[Sarta] I Cie (Centri di Identificazione Temporanea) sono delle strutture istituite, con la consueta lungimiranza, dalla legge italiana.Il loro scopo istituzionale è accogliere i migranti senza permesso di soggiorno e lasciarli lì a marcire in attesa di esplicare le solite scartoffie burocratiche che consentiranno di rispedirli nei rispettivi paesi di origine. Precedentemente chiamati CPT (Centri di Permanenza Temporanea), sono in realtà delle oscene carceri-lager gestite dalle solite cooperative senza scrupoli che lucrano sulle sventure delle persone, in combutta con la solita miserabile classe politica italiana che pensa solo ad ingrassare le sue tasche.

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V/A HARDCORE LJUBLJANA 1984-2004 (2004)



Výberovka rýchleho HC/punku z Ľublany. Pôvodne to vyšlo ako LP v roku 1986, neskôr ako CD doplnené o ďalšie kapely v r. 2004.

Toto je tá rozšírená verzia.

Info: http://www.discogs.com/Various-Hardcore-Ljubljana-1984-2004/release/1658243



Compilation of raw HC/punk bands from Slovenia.


Call out for Prison Abolition Compilation CD


In the new year we are going to be releasing three new digital compilations, to help raise money and awareness of some campaigns in South Wales. We are looking for your suggestions of songs related to these subjects by DIY artists we might be able to get involved, or if you are an artist and would like to submit a song, please contact us.Cardiff Defendant Solidarity & Prison Abolition
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MATERIA NEGRA – Black December (Para Los Hermanos)

Black December is coming, and none too soon. We’ve hashed out our theories and we’ve analyzed our reality, we know what kind of future we want and what we are going to have to tear apart in order to get it. The time for philosophizing and talking it out has ended and we face the inevitable moment of conflict with the forces of control and conformity and subjugation.
Continue reading MATERIA NEGRA – Black December (Para Los Hermanos)

Canción kurda: Lê Yarê (Ay, mi amor)



Lê Yarê (Ay, mi amor)

Hoy estoy muy triste, mi amor
Ay mi amor, flor de granada
Miro entre las ruinas
Ay mi querida compañera
Y no veo ninguna señal de ti, flor de granada

Las heridas de mi corazón son profundas, mi amor
Los buitres despedazaron mi cuerpo, mi amor
Ay, mi querida compañera
Nos encontraremos en el cielo, flor de granada
Nos encontraremos en el cielo, flor de granada
Continue reading Canción kurda: Lê Yarê (Ay, mi amor)

Bastardos – Trajetos do punk português (1977-2014)



A herança do filho bastardo

Nos últimos tempos a vontade de chafurdar no legado do punk português tem aumentado, facto ao qual não será alheia a criação do KISMIF, um projecto sociológico de investigação sobre a temática. Igualmente relacionados estarão certamente os fundos recebidos a fim de sustentar a dita investigação, cujo mérito na recolha documental não poderá nem deverá ser desprezado.
Continue reading Bastardos – Trajetos do punk português (1977-2014)