Around 500 people, from various towns, participated in today’s protest against Evros fence.
Tag Archives: no borders
Roma – Sabato 7 novembre – Presidio solidale al CIE di Ponte Galeria
Besançon : ne laissons pas les fascistes s’installer dans nos vi(ll)es
La riposte s’organise à Besançon, suite à l’attaque de la librairie l’Autodidacte par un groupe de néonazis locaux, démasqués par Fafwatch Franche-Comté. Une grande manifestation est appelée ce samedi 31 octobre 2015 :
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TIERRA Y LIBERTAD Tour !!! Soirée de soutien aux occupations en Uruguay
Soirée concert au Bokal Royal
Cop On Fire
Les Lapins électriques
Captain VonVon
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Viernes 6: Coloquio colectivo sobre CIEs y migración (Madrid)
The Ruckus at St Pancras (Saturday’s demo against the borders)
On Saturday (24 October) after the anarchist bookfair, a rowdy mob 200 strong rushed St Pancras Eurostar station in solidarity with the 3 imprisoned Channel Tunnel walkers and Calais migrants. Dozens burst through one police line into the station (see video here), before over 100 riot police retook control and locked down the terminal.
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Never Again ! Vol. 9 – Konzertreihe gegen Rassismus
7 Novemberat 18:30 in UTC+01
Wir feiern 2 jähriges // Never Again! Vol. 9 w/ Blut Hirn Schranke, Sgt. Paff und die Untenrums, Pessimistic Lines, Seconds Of Peace, The Wastones
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ΣΑΚΤΧ, Αθήνα : Πέμπτη 29/10, 18:00 – Συγκέντρωση/Παρέμβαση Aλλήλεγγύης στους πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες στην πλ.. Βικτωρίας
Συγκέντρωση-Παρέμβαση Aλλήλεγγύης στους πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες.
Πέμπτη 29/10 18:00 πλατεία Βικτωρίας
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Australia: Mass mobilisations against the far-right 22.11.15.
The far-right anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim organizations “Reclaim Australia” (RA) and “United Patriots Front” (UPF) are staging Australia-wide rallies on November 22nd. In response antifascists, anti-racists and other community activists will be holding counter-demonstrations.
Continue reading Australia: Mass mobilisations against the far-right 22.11.15.
Helsinki, 24.10: Let’s say NO to racism! Carnival against racism
24.10.2015 Narinkkatori (Helsinki), @ 14:30
Come and say no to racism! Let´s raise some noise with music, and noise – pots, pans, whistles, instruments and with our own voices to stop the racist speeches and actions. Let’s not be bystanders. It’s the reponsibility of each and every one of us to actively push for a Helsinki free of racism!
Continue reading Helsinki, 24.10: Let’s say NO to racism! Carnival against racism