Tag Archives: no borders

600 Evicted in Calais, Resistance and Occupation


Today (Wednesday 28th) more than 300 police descended on Calais (Northwest France) to evict three tent camps in the city centre which have existed since last October: the «Syrian camp», which was set up following the occupation of the port, the «Eritrean camp» under the bridge, which was established after the eviction of their squat, also in October, and a smaller camp close to the food distribution. Together these places were home to around 650 people in Calais.
Continue reading 600 Evicted in Calais, Resistance and Occupation

ΟΥΤΕ ΛΟΙΜΩΔΩΝ ΟΥΤΕ ΣΚΑΡΑΜΑΓΚΑ, ΣΤΡΑΤΟΠΕΔΑ ΣΥΓΚΕΝΤΡΩΣΗΣ ΠΟΤΕ & ΠΟΥΘΕΝΑ / ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗ – ΠΟΡΕΙΑ – ΔΙΑΣΥΛΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ – See more at: http://www.social-revolution.gr/2014/05/blog-post_5814.html#more





Continue reading ΟΥΤΕ ΛΟΙΜΩΔΩΝ ΟΥΤΕ ΣΚΑΡΑΜΑΓΚΑ, ΣΤΡΑΤΟΠΕΔΑ ΣΥΓΚΕΝΤΡΩΣΗΣ ΠΟΤΕ & ΠΟΥΘΕΝΑ / ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗ – ΠΟΡΕΙΑ – ΔΙΑΣΥΛΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ – See more at: http://www.social-revolution.gr/2014/05/blog-post_5814.html#more

[Brochure] Quelques textes autour de la lutte contre les Centres l’Identification et d’Expulsion – Italie – novembre 2012/avril 2013


Quelques textes autour de la lutte contre les Centres d’Identification et d’Expulsion

[Italie – novembre 2012/avril 2013]

Sommaire :

Turin : À propos de la lutte contre le centre, page 3

Rome : Feu à Ponte Galeria – entretien avec un retenu, page 9

Chronologie, page 12

Lettre de Greg depuis la prison de la Valette, page 25

Télécharger le pdf Quelques textes cie italie mai2013 format cahier

Télécharger le pdf Quelques textes cie italie mai2013 format page a page

Free Radical Radio Episode 41: 2 Calls From Salinas about the riots/brutality, slavery in ICE detention centers, tech-aided ecocide, & thoughts on elliot rodgers (5/25/14)




n episode 41 Rydra and Doug interview Michael from Direct Action Monterey and also Grime from Salinas, about the recent rioting and police brutality in Salinas. Doug and Rydra deride leftists and the ever present peace police. Bellamy calls in to discuss Elliot Rodgers and fracking absurdity in North Carolina. Rydra rages on labs fucking around with super viruses and slavery at ICE detention centers.
Continue reading Free Radical Radio Episode 41: 2 Calls From Salinas about the riots/brutality, slavery in ICE detention centers, tech-aided ecocide, & thoughts on elliot rodgers (5/25/14)

*Now or never!* – Calais


Everyone come to Calais May 27th or in the night of the 26th!!!!*

The authorities have decided to destroy the three main camps, which shelter around 700 people. The only prospect for the inhabitants: a pill against scabies and life in the street! There can be no question of repeating the events of 2009, when the eviction of the Afghan jungle resulted in the arrest of hundreds of migrants, their detainment all over France and attempts to deport them to Afghanistan.
Continue reading *Now or never!* – Calais

Call to all squatters, antifascists and everyone else to support the struggle in Calais! (en/fr)


Emergency situation in Calais!
All squats and camps will be evicted in the next few days!
On May 27th, the three main camps of Calais will be destroyed by the police. More than 600 people live in these camps, which were won through constant migrant struggle after a long series of evictions. No solution has been proposed for the evicted migrants. Moreover, a social center and two further squats are up for eviction starting on May 30th. All told, more than 800 people will be put on to the street.
Continue reading Call to all squatters, antifascists and everyone else to support the struggle in Calais! (en/fr)

Sassi e lacrimogeni ai Mercati Generali

romano caat01-kTdE-U10301163570307AK-568x320@LaStampa.it

Cariche, lacrimogeni e sassaiole, prima ancora dell’alba, davanti ai cancelli del Centro Agro Alimentare di Torino. Dalle dieci di ieri sera, infatti, un bel gruppo di facchini e di solidali blocca i cancelli per denunciare le condizioni di sfruttamento e il caporalato abituali nella struttura e per chiedere il reintegro al lavoro di cinque dipendenti della Cooperativa 2008, cacciati nei giorni scorsi per aver protestato un po’ troppo decisamente. Il picchetto, inizialmente, non è molto grosso, ma con il passare delle ore si infoltisce grazie all’afflusso continuo dei lavoratori che, invece di provare ad entrare o di tornarsene a casa, decidono di rimanere fuori a bloccare gli ingressi insieme agli altri.
Continue reading Sassi e lacrimogeni ai Mercati Generali

Calais: Squat Evictions Planned for May 30th


We are a group of people from different countries and different political backgrounds who are fighting for the right to housing for everyone , whatever their origin. Since the end of February we have held three empty public buildings, abandoned by the DPO of Calais on Rue de Vic, Rue Auber and Rue Massena. Although there are no plans for these houses, the DPO has engaged in legal proceedings and the court has ruled that the buildings are to be vacated on 30th May

Continue reading Calais: Squat Evictions Planned for May 30th

May 15: seditious action against prosecution Joke Kaviaar


Next thursday May 15, the appeal trial in the case of the state against Joke Kaviaar will take place at the high court in Amsterdam. On January 22, 2013, she was convicted to a 4 months jail sentence for writing and spreading four texts in which she denounces the oppression, persecution, incarceration and deportation of refugees/migrants without papers, and calls for active resistance.
Continue reading May 15: seditious action against prosecution Joke Kaviaar