This very moment activists from Southern Sweden onboard on a train from Copenhagen’s airport Kastrup bound to Sweden, Malmö refuse to show ID cards during border checks initiated by Sweden in November 2015 to prevent refugees from reaching its territory. This is an action against Fortress Europe and in solidarity with thousands of detained and deported refugees in Europe and Turkey. What follows is the communiqué of their action.
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Tag Archives: no borders
International Anarchist Meeting – Istanbul, Izmir, Eskisehir, Ankara (16-22. April 2016)
International Anarchist Meeting – Istanbul, Izmir, Eskisehir, Ankara (16-22. April 2016)
The Anarchist Movement, Solidarity with refugees, Anti-Racism, Anti-Capitalism and Antimilitarism in Europe
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No-Border-Kitchen Lesvos – Urgent Call
Forwarded call for urgent support for the No-Border-Kitchen on Lesvos! (German)
The dirty deal between the EU and Turkey did not lead to a situation where people don’t dare to cross the mediterranean sea to Europe anymore. Of course not. It just increased the repression refugees have to face once they enter the EU. It facilitated the possibilities of deportation into Turkey, a state at war with its “own” Population. It supports the European Union in its own interest to further divide between people that are allowed to enter and people that get rejected. There should be no hope for anyone not fleeing from Syria to enter Europe. On Lesvos the impact of these decisions are more evident then ever. The so called “Hot-Spot” in Moria has factually become a prison incarcerating over 3000 refugees, on very limited space. The first deportations to Turkey have begun without giving the people the possibility to apply for asylum in Greece.
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Buscar la libertad. 22 y 23 de abril. Cárcel, CIE, redadas y fronteras, así se construye la riqueza europea
Después del documental – Debate: Cómo nos planteamos la lucha anticarcelaria.
Contextualizar el momento en el que nos encontramos, replantear los discursos y herramientas en uso, y analizar las problemáticas y proyecciones que tenemos sobre la cárcel y de la lucha contra ella.
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Roma – 13/4 Presentazione del corteo al Brennero @ NED-PSM
Torino, 10 aprile – Presidio al CIE di Corso Brunelleschi
Da quando la struttura in corso Brunelleschi ha aperto migliaia di persone sono state rinchiuse tra quelle mura. Negli anni le leggi sull’immigrazione sono cambiate così come pure la funzione che certi luoghi detentivi dovevano avere all’interno del sistema di gestione dei flussi migratori. Nonostante l’evolversi della legislazione sulla detenzione amministrativa, per chi nei Cie ci è finito, anche quando ancora venivano chiamati Cpt, la violenza della carcerazione è sempre stata la stessa.
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Prossime iniziative di aprile!
Nights Against Borders in South London
No Border Nights
Films and discussion on struggles against the borders.
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Cagliari. Migranti lottano per lasciare la Sardegna: cariche e fermi
Un centinaio tra migranti somali ed eritrei hanno protestato questa mattina in pieno centro cittadino a Cagliari. Un corteo improvvisato ha percorso largo Carlo Felice, è passato sotto il comune e ha bloccato il traffico tra via Roma e il Largo chiedendo di poter lasciare la Sardegna. La polizia in assetto antisommossa è intervenuta per sgomberare il blocco, aggredendo e prelevando singolarmente alcuni dei giovani. Si registrano dei feriti.
Continue reading Cagliari. Migranti lottano per lasciare la Sardegna: cariche e fermi