Tag Archives: prisoners

$ile : Lettera della compagna Carla Verdugo dal carcere di San Miguel al gruppo “81 ragioni per combattere” – 2012 (it/es/en)

Carla Verdugo

Carla Verdugo è stata arrestata insieme a Ivan Silva all’alba di Lunedì 16 Aprile 2012 nell’area di La Granja, Santiago del Cile, dopo un controllo di identità in cui hanno trovato nel loro zaino materiali per la costruzione di un congegno esplosivo. Si trova attualmente nel carcere di San Miguel in attesa di processo.
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Carta del preso anarquista Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos -2013 (es/it)



Presentamos la carta de A.D.Bourzoukos, uno de los 4 compañeros anarquistas detenidos el 1 de febrero del 2013 por el doble atraco realizado en localidad de Velvedo.

“Quedaba aún mucha luz para que amanezca
Pero yo no he aceptado la derrota”
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Letter from Michele Pontolillo,anarchist prisoner in struggle


I announce that at 12 o’clock on December 7 2000, I will start an indefinite hunger strike. Given the situation of growing repression in which we live inside as well as outside prison, and departing from the inalienable right of every individual to revolt against the omnipotence and arrogance of those in Power, I announce that at 12 o’clock on December 7, 2000 I will start an indefinitive hunger strike for the reasons I would like to expose here.
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Solidarity is the tenderness of revolutionary subversion!



You ask me: “What should we do? How can we stand against all this heteronomy, control, repression, violence, which is called normality? What can we hold against all the bureaucracy, the uniforms and weapons, the monsters of technology, their laws and their morality based on compulsions, guilt and fear?”
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Invitación a multiplicar los ataques al poder en solidaridad con nuestro hermano Tortuga

Invitación a multiplicar los ataques al poder en solidaridad con nuestro hermano Tortuga

escrito por Algunxs Antisociales Salvajes

“La solidaridad entre los ácratas no es solo una palabra escrita” quedaba demostrado hace más de 80 años, y tiene que volver a resonar en los oídos burgueses y así generar miedo y el fuego en la autoridad que mantiene secuestrado a nuestro hermano Tortuga. Estamos muy próximos al 20 de marzo, fecha acordada para la audiencia contra el compa, donde el asqueroso Ministerio
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LETTER FROM GERASIMOS TSAKALOS Member of the Cell of Imprisoned Members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire


We have rage
On the morning of November 1st we were moving around in the area of Pagkrati in order to act in the framework of the campaign for international solidarity the organization had decided together with comrade and brother P.Argirou. Because, however, of the police-like curiosity of an employee of a courier company, certain personal errors and our being surrounded by the pigs of the DIAS group and other police forces that isolated the area, there was little choice and we were led to the building of GADA (police headquarters building) to the floor of the anti-terrorist police.
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