Tag Archives: prisons

Greece: Update on anarchist prisoner Panagiotis Aspiotis



Statement regarding the recent failed attempt to remove P. Aspiotis from Korydallos prison

Today at 5:40 am a prison guard informed P. Aspiotis for an upcoming transfer to Nafplio prison. Aspiotis’ refusal to get out of his cell was followed by an attempt of 8 correctional officers to violently remove him from Korydallos prison. Aspiotis’ consistent resistance made it clear that they would have to exercise the analogous level of violence in order to get him out of there, so they left.
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Open letter from Joseph Konopka ‘Dr Ch@os’ (USA)

wolf eyes

Joseph Konopka is an individual in America who is currently serving 13 years in prison for 2 felony acts of conspiracy to commit acts of terror. He was also charged with 6 felony counts of arson and vandalism, as well as trespassing, and sentenced to an additional 10 years. However, these charges were later dropped on a federal appeal. Konopka was arrested in 2002, by Chicago Police after he was caught hoarding potassium cyanide and sodium cyanide in an unused Chicago Transit Authority storeroom in the Chicago ‘L’ Blue Line subway. Konopka had picked the locks on several doors and disused rooms in the tunnels. Konopka had formed the group ‘Realm of Ch@os’ who were responsible for 28 power failures and 20 other service interruptions at various Wisconsin power plants.
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Women and Trans* Week of Action Against the Prison Industrial Complex


Why this Week of Action? Why Now?

Prisons destroy lives. The British Government intend to build 9 new mega prisons by 2020, while more & more women and trans* folk are caged and brutalised in our prison system. The enormous weight of supporting loved ones in prisons is carried by us who emotionally, financially and practically labour to support people in prison while caring for those left behind. The prison industrial complex has been built on white supremacy. It is a racist institution with people of colour vastly over represented with growing racist border controls, raids & more. The prison system is part of the continuous state assault & long history of patriarchy & gender-conformity that we contend with every day. This week is an attempt to reclaim our lives.

Who is welcome at the gathering?

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Massama – Colpi alle sbarre per far sentire le voci del carcere


ORISTANO. Lettera di un gruppo di detenuti dalla casa circondariale Lamentano sovraffollamento e condizioni difficili
Dal 5 marzo rifiutano il vitto e sono determinati a proseguire per tutto il mese. Ad aprile, se non avranno risposte, non faranno acquisti di alimentari allo spaccio del carcere e sospenderanno le attività lavorative. Per trasmettere anche all’esterno il loro malessere, tre volte al giorno, batteranno sulle inferriate. È la protesta, pacifica, di 35 detenuti ex 41 bis del carcere di Massama, che denunciano condizioni piuttosto dure all’interno della sezione “as1” e che
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Defiant of authority: moral panics and the social stigma of imprisonment in Greece


An effort is being made to disrupt the communication between prisoners with their loved ones as well as the flow of information that guides collectives, solidarity movements and campaigners to initiate actions in solidarity with prisoners’ rights and struggles behind bars. Squats, banners, demos, articles, are all integral aspects of necessary social action that breaks the silence and amplifies the reality in the country’s prisons so that it becomes visible for the rest of society, even those unaffected by incarceration and its consequences.
Continue reading Defiant of authority: moral panics and the social stigma of imprisonment in Greece