Tag Archives: rusia

Russian imprisoned anarchist Ilya Romanov needs your solidarity


Ilya Romanov, a 46-years old Russian anarchist, has been under arrest for more than a year for now, from October 29, 2013. He is charged with an attempt of a terrorist attack (art.30 of 205.1 of Russian Criminal Code) and of illegal manufacturing of explosives (222.1 CC). He declares that his rigths are badly violated. In violation of the law courts held behind closed doors, the investigation takes unreasonably long, and all his complaints rejected. His imprisonment was continued till February 26, 2015.
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Pëtr Kropotkin



It is told of Rothschild that, seeing his fortune threatened by the revolution of 1849, he hit upon the following stratagem: — “I am quite willing to admit,” said he, “that my fortune has been accumulated at the expense of others, but if it were divided among the millions of Europe to-morrow the share of each would only amount to five schillings if he asks me for it.”

Having given due publicity to his promise, our millionaire proceeded as usual to stroll quietly through the streets of Frankfort. Three or four passers-by asked for their five schillings, which he disbursed with a sardonic smile. His stratagem succeeded and the family of the millionaire is still in possession of its wealth.

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The Revolutionary Catechism


Sergey Nechayev


The Duties of the Revolutionary toward Himself

1. The revolutionary is a doomed man. He has no personal interests, no business affairs, no emotions, no attachments, no property, and no name. Everything in him is wholly absorbed in the single thought and the single passion for revolution.

2. The revolutionary knows that in the very depths of his being, not only in words but also in deeds, he has broken all the bonds which tie him to the social order and the civilized world with all its laws, moralities, and customs, and with all its generally accepted conventions. He is their implacable enemy, and if he continues to live with them it is only in order to destroy them more speedily.

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Ilya Romanov, anarquista encarcelado, necesita de tu solidaridad!


Ilya Romanov, un anarquista ruso de 46 años de edad, ha estado bajo arresto durante más de un año, desde el 29 de octubre de 2013. Se le acusa de un intento de ataque terrorista (Art.30 del 205.1 del Código Penal de Rusia) y de fabricación ilegal de explosivos (222.1 CC). Él alega que sus derechos han sido violados. Las leyes han sido violadas juzgándolo a puerta cerrada, con una investigación que ha sido excesivamente larga, y todas sus reclamaciones han sido rechazadas.
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Bakunin. Crítica y Acción (Libro de Frank Mintz en Formato PDF).

El siguiente libro presentado en formato PDF es una compilación de textos de Bakunin presentados por Frank Mintz. Pero además de la presentación de textos inéditos en español hasta el momento de la publicación del libro, Frank presenta un análisis personal sobre algunos aspectos de la obra de Bakunin, y una “conversación” de Gregori Maximov con Bakunin.

El libro además presenta una biografía de Mijail Bakunin.

Esta obra fue editada en el año 2006 por la editorial Utopía Libertaria, el prologo es de Red Libertaria (Argentina).

Para leer y descargar el libro da click en el siguiente enlace: Bakunin. Crítica y Acción.

Archivo Miguel Bakunin.

Voline Nihilism


NIHILISM n. m. (from Latin nihil, nothing)

A deeply rooted and widely spread misunderstanding is closely linked to this word born, 75 years ago, in the Russian literature and passed without being translated (thanks to its Latin origin), into other languages.

In France, in Germany, in England and elsewhere, one usually understands by “nihilism” a current of ideas — or even a system — revolutionary and social politics, invented in Russia, having there (or having had) numerous organized partisans. We routinely speak of a “nihilist party” and of “the nihilists,” its members. All this is false. It is time to correct that error, at least for the readers of the Anarchist Encyclopedia.
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A Female Nihilist: The true story of the nihilist Olga Liubatovitch by Sergei Stepniak



On the 27th of July, in the year 1878, the little town of Talutorovsk, in Western Siberia, was profoundly excited by a painful event. A political prisoner, named Olga Litibatovitch, miserably put an end to her days. She was universally loved and esteemed, and her violent death therefore produced a most mournful impression throughout the town, and the Ispravnik, or chief of the police, was secretly accused of having driven the poor young girl, by his unjust persecutions, to take away her life.
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