Tag Archives: rusia

[Descargas] – Sofía Kovalevskaya, una mujer para pensar y El verbo de Albert Libertad


Sofía Kovalevskaya, una mujer para pensar | PARTE I

«Sofía Kovalevskaya perteneció al movimiento nihilista, a la generación de los 60’s del siglo XIX, a las “amazonas” rusas, a la primera generación de mujeres (después de las italianas del siglo XVIII) que obtuvieron títulos de doctorado y que realizaron contribuciones desde la academia, institucionalmente, a sus áreas de estudio. Las mujeres nihilistas fueron activas y se caracterizaron tanto por formar una base ideológica como por llevar a cabo sus empresas. Como escribió Ann Hibner Koblitz, “They were do- ers; they got results”. De todas ellas, a mi parecer, la más importante fue Sofía Kovalevskaya.
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La noción de nihilismo en “Padres e Hijos”


«Entre tanto, los conflictos sociales siguieron sucediéndose, con las gentes reclamando transformaciones radicales. En Rusia, por ejemplo, dichas transformaciones empezaron por la muerte del zar Alejandro II, como símbolo del abatimiento del poder imperante, que, murió a causa de un atentado en 1881, trayendo como consecuencia un recorte de las libertades civiles en Rusia y el aumento de la brutalidad policial, es decir, la vuelta a la represión autocrática. Los nihilistas políticos asociaron el nihilismo a la acción revolucionaria más extrema, destacando entre ellos Nechayev.
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Maria Nikiforova e gli anarchici underground


L’epopea di un’anarchica attraverso l’Ucraina (1902-1919)


Mila Cotlenko
Quando mi sono interessata alla storia della rivoluzione del 1917 in Russia, ho avuto come l’impressione di aprire una matrioska di bamboline di legno russe, ognuna delle quali rivelava nuove realtà. A scuola mi hanno insegnato in due paragrafi l’irresitibile ascesa dei bolscevichi fra febbraio e ottobre e, in lunghe e noiose pagine, la progressiva realizzazione del loro regime totalitario. La morale era chiara: la rivoluzione non può portare che al dispotismo della peggiore specie. Poi c’è stata la lettura di Volin che ha frantumato definitivamente la bambolina più grande della matrioska. 1917 non era più la storia di un semplice colpo di Stato, ma ridiventava un processo rivoluzionario ricco e  rigoglioso, con molteplici forze in campo. […]

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Bolsheviks Shooting Anarchists


Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman (1922)

We have just received the following letter from our comrades Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, who are now stranded in Stockholm. This letter gives us the truth about the terrible persecution of Anarchists in Russia. We ask all Anarchist and Syndicalist papers to republish this letter, and we hope comrades in this country will help us in pushing the sale of this issue, of which we have printed a much larger number than usual.

Dear Comrades, — The persecution of the revolutionary elements in Russia has not abated with the changed political and economic policies of the Bolsheviki. On the contrary, it has become more intense, more determined. The prisons of Russia, of Ukraina, of Siberia, are filled with men and women — aye, in some cases with mere children — who dare hold views that differ from those of the ruling Communist Party. We say “hold views” advisedly. For in the Russia of to-day it is not at all necessary to express your dissension in word or act to become subject to arrest; the mere holding of opposing views makes you the legitimate prey of the de facto supreme power of the land, the Tcheka, that almighty Bolshevik Okhrana, whose will knows neither law nor responsibility.

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La Makhnovtchina y el antisemitismo


Nestor Makhno

Cerca de siete años después, los enemigos del movimiento revolucionario makhnovista han desencadenado tantas mentiras respecto a él que podemos asombrarnos de que esta gente no logre avergonzarse de eso por lo menos de vez en cuando.

Es bastante característico que estas mentiras desvergonzadas dirigidas contra mí y los insurgentes makhnovistas, de hecho contra nuestro movimiento en conjunto, unan a gente de campos sociopolíticos muy diferentes: podemos encontrar allí a periodistas de toda pluma, escritores, eruditos y profanos que se pisan los talones, merodeadores y especuladores, los cuales no dudan a veces en presentarse como pioneros de las ideas revolucionarias vanguardistas.
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The Russian Tragedy (A Review and An Outlook)


Alexander Berkman (1922)

The Russian Tragedy (A Review and An Outlook)


We live at a time when two civilisations are struggling for their existence. Present society is at death grips with the New Ideal. The Russian Revolution was but the first serious combat of the two forces, whose struggle must continue till the final triumph of the one or of the other.

The Russian Revolution has failed — failed of its ultimate purpose. But that failure is a temporary one. In the point of revolutionising the thought and feeling of the masses of Russia and of the world, in undermining the fundamental concepts of existing society, and lighting the torch of faith and hope for the Better Day, the Russian Revolution has been of incalculable educational and inspirational value to mankind.

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Are Prisons Necessary?


Pëtr Kropotkin (1887)

If we take into consideration all the influences indicated in the above rapid sketch, we are bound to recognize that all of them, separately and combined together, act in the direction of rendering men who have been detained for several years in prisons less and less adapted for life in society; and that none of them, not a single one, acts in the direction of raising the in intellectual and moral faculties, of lifting man to a higher conception of life and its duties, of rendering him a better, a more human creature than he was.

Prisons do not moralize their inmates; they do not deter them from crime. And the question arises: What shall we do with those who break, not only the written law — that sad growth of a sad past — but also those very principles of morality which every man feels his own heart? That is the question which now preoccupies the best minds of our century.

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The Action of the Masses and the Individual


Pëtr Kropotkin (1890)

Our comrades are perfectly right to say [in their letter] that the May strikes are a consequence of general economic conditions. If the return of work to the mines and in the iron industry, and if dreadful poverty in the other trades did not exist, there wouldn’t have been any strikes at all, as there weren’t any on such a large scale ten years ago. But what our comrades ignore is that, outside all socialist organisations, right now, within the workers of all nationalities, an immense work to press on to a general strike is taking place.
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