Une soirée était organisée hier lundi à Bruxelles par l’”Initiative de solidarité pour la Grèce qui résiste” avec la présence d’un député grec (non pas le député Syriza annoncé, mais Épaminondas Marias, venant du parti des “Grecs Indépendants”). Des membres de notre Secours rouge sont intervenus par une prise de parole, une distribution de tract et le déploiement d’une banderole en soutien des revendications des prisonniers politiques grecs en grève de la faim (abolition des lois spéciales de répression, fermeture des prisons d’isolement et libération de Savvas Xiros).
Tag Archives: Savvas Xiros
Athens, Greece: Only one month hospitalization for imprisoned guerrilla fighter Savvas Xiros
[No one left alone in the white prison cells of the State. Solidarity with Savvas Xiros]
“Political act is what really counts, not plain words. There are quite many who use big words, and behave differently behind the scenes doing what they do, and by saying this, I do not mean the politicians—their conduct is well known—, I mean people who generally partake in our milieu, so to speak, and use big words but in practice are completely different. And there are others who do not say anything, and because of what they do, with their attitude in general and the things they carry out, have a more political stance than anyone else. And this has also been my choice; by setting myself in motion, and taking action, to cause each time at least problem to the adversary; at least. Because we bear responsibility not only when we act and do something wrong. Our responsibility is much greater when we see specific things happening around us and we do nothing…”
—Savvas Xiros
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Only one month hospitalization for imprisoned guerrilla fighter Savvas Xiros
Grecia: Actualizaciones sobre el caso de Savvas Xiros. La política de la tortura continúa igual que siempre
Como ya hemos informado, el Tribunal Penal de Pireos decidió suspender la sentencia de prisión de Savvas Xiros durante un periodo de cinco meses (bajo custodia policial constante), para que pudiera recibir tratamiento médico debido a sus graves problemas de salud en ojos, oídos y piernas en el hospital AHEPA de Tesalónica.
Continue reading Grecia: Actualizaciones sobre el caso de Savvas Xiros. La política de la tortura continúa igual que siempre
Massive Administration of Substances in Greek prisons (Savvas Xiros) 2009
In my new book, extracts of which follow, an outline of the drug command of all prisoners in Greek prisons by cognitive degrading is attempted. My experience I have gained from psychotropic substance administration has proven useful for the writing of this book – “with rape and rape of will” – throughout my 65 day accommodation in the intensive care unit, where modern and not only questioning methods were applied. The experience of other drug substances I was given from the 13 surgeons I’ve been submitted to after the bomb’s explosion in my own hands in 2002, since today also helped my writing.
Continue reading Massive Administration of Substances in Greek prisons (Savvas Xiros) 2009