At night of the 22/12 I sabotaged 3 ATMs in the wider area of Edinburgh. I used polyurethane foam to block all entrances and exits. This material expands and becomes solid after some time. In this way I attack the walls of my civilized existence. Wildness doesn’t exist in the ghost of Nature. The only thing that exists in something idealistic as this is the alienation of the civilized. Continue reading Scotland: ATMs sabotaged in the wider area of Edinburgh→
We’ve not heard from John since his recent court appearance on the September 22, but members of Glasgow FRFI were outside the court with placards to support him. They’ve said his next court appearance is on the October 27 and his trial date has been set for November 17. This trial relates to a ridiculous “assault” charge on a prison officer at Greenock jail, which was clearly a set up to prevent him from being progressed onto the semi-open part of the prison.
John had been transferred across the Scottish border back to England and has been transferred frequently around the prison system since – eight moves in the last two months. Continue reading John Bowden Update→
The paths of darkness and fire are those which bestow the most pure moments of life.
Accompanied by a fox wandering around the parking where I was, the night of the 17/08 I set fire to an ATM outside a Morrisons supermarket with gasoline, clearly for my pleasure and my satisfaction. I chose this target because it was an easy one for my level of organization. I don’t see myself as the “oppressed” who fights against the “oppressors” but as an egoist who attacks everything that confines the pleasure of the interaction between me and my surroundings and decreases the possibilities for me to live chaotic moments beyond any systematization of the state, society, civilization, whether it is pneumatic or material. Continue reading Scotland: ATM torched (Edinburgh, 17/08/2015) en(gr→
Následující report nám přišel emailem. Kapitalismus, krize a represe jsou globálním problémem. Proto i naše lokální akce mají mezinárodní rozměr. Děkujeme za podporu!
Solidarita v Edinburghu
Fénix nebo Pandora stát je vždycky potvora
V pátek 29.5 se skupina lidí sešla před Španělským konzulátem v Edinburghu, aby vyjádřili podporu a solidaritu zadrženým anarchistům / anarchistkám v rámci operaci Pandora, Piñata (Španělsko) a Fénix (ČR). Continue reading Solidarita v Edinburghu (Fenix-cz)→
There’s a good crew at the Peace Camp just now, if we can be so pleased with ourselves. However, to be fully effective the camp needs greater numbers and wider support. For that reason, we’d like to organise a ‘bank’ of part-time Peace Campers, to help make sure all the boxes are ticked and afford greater ambition in campaigning at this critical time. Continue reading Faslane (Scotland): Support your local Peace Camp→
Elgin has been targeted by Neo Nazi group the New British Union of Fascists
THE New British Union of Fascists issued posters calling for “total Aryanism to end the threat of terrorism and anarchy” but their plans have sparked a fierce backlash from local politicians and community leaders.