Click above picture to download combined Issue #5/6 of Tokologo,
the Newsletter of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective
- No Justice, No Peace: A Year of Struggle
- Anarchism and the Continuing Struggle for Women’s Freedom by Bongani Maponyane (TAAC, ZACF)
- No Illusions: 2016 Elections no Solution for the Masses by Warren McGregor (ZACF, TAAC)
- Attacks on Foreigners: Only the Ruling Class Benefits by Siyabulela Hulu-Hulu (TAAC, ZACF)
- Dear Mama: Poetry against the Anti-Foreigner Attacks in Grahamstown, 2015 by Leroy Maisiri (ZACF)
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Click above picture to download combined Issue #5/6 of Tokologo,
the Newsletter of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective
- No Justice, No Peace: A Year of Struggle
Continue reading Double Issue 5/6 of Tokologo, the Newsletter of the TAAC, now available →

Condannare la violenza politica ed il terrore
Sud Africa, 16 ottobre 2015: la sera del 9 ottobre un militante dello Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front nel quartiere proletario nero di Khutsong (Johannesburg ovest), è stato minacciato con violenza d parte di un gruppo di giovani per il suo lavoro politico. [English]
Continue reading Quale libertà per tutti? Militanti dello Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front minacciati, le attività interrotte, costretti a nascondersi →

South Africa, 16 October 2015: On the evening of Friday 9 October 2015, a militant of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front in the impoverished black township of Khutsong (west of Johannesburg), was threatened with violence for his political work by a group of youths.
Continue reading Freedom for All? Members of Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front threatened, activities disrupted, forced into hiding →
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