Tag Archives: spain

Spain: A few words from Gabriel Pombo da Silva from the prison in Villena (en/es) 2013

Algunas palabras del compañero Gabriel desde el centro penitenciario Villena, España


from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

[…] Today the Assistant Director of Security of this prison came to see me, to see to it that they were giving me visitations and letting me use the telephone. He gave me the impression that he was (is) serious.
Continue reading Spain: A few words from Gabriel Pombo da Silva from the prison in Villena (en/es) 2013

Dichiarazione di Jose Rodríguez nel processo contro Lotta Rivoluzionaria ad Atene (13.9.2012) it/es/gr


La guerriglia è una forma di lotta contro l’ordine stabilito che viene da lontano. Nello stato spagnolo è ben conosciuta con quel nome dai tempi della dittatura del generale Franco.
Continue reading Dichiarazione di Jose Rodríguez nel processo contro Lotta Rivoluzionaria ad Atene (13.9.2012) it/es/gr

Letter from Tamara about the anti-prison struggle (2010)


From Liberación Total (June 28, 2010):

It only takes a quick look around to see that we live and breathe prison. We are born in chains and condemned to endure a miserable, empty existence subject to the control of a System of domination that enslaves and feeds on our lives, and whose best weapons against dissent are the prisons charged with sowing fear among those who break the law and clash with order.

Prison is one of the System’s strongest pillars. It was made for those who don’t submit, for those who—consciously or not—exemplify the misery created by the System.

In addition, it’s now a very profitable business. Prison is one of power’s cruelest tools of vengeance: punishment. Inside prison, injustice and abuse abound, revealing the brutal aspiration to destroy people.
Continue reading Letter from Tamara about the anti-prison struggle (2010)

Porque algunos decimos ¡Abajo el trabajo!


¡Abajo el trabajo! es una consigna que viene escuchándose desde hace algún tiempo en espacios anarquistas y que, además de a una pobre comprensión, está dando lugar a no pocas controversias. No es mi intención ahora polemizar, ni tampoco buscar el origen ni los porqués de que a algunos esta frase les resulte tan indigesta, tanto es así, que a veces parece que rozara lo personal, al menos así hace pensarlo la seudo-crítica que provoca. Lejos de ello lo que pretendo más bien es dar mi subjetiva y parcial opinión de porqué dentro del contexto de una lucha anárquica, revolucionaria e insurreccionalista, esta consigna es completamente coherente con el todo común de un enfrentamiento irrecuperable y sin pretensiones reformistas con la mega-estructura del dominio.
Continue reading Porque algunos decimos ¡Abajo el trabajo!