Tag Archives: squat

Radio Klaxon: the pirate radio made by pirates who have never done radio… (en/fr)

zad mani

Radio Klaxon (car horn) is a pirate radio made by pirates who have rever done radio. it is a group of people of all genders actively engages around speech on the radio (and elsewhere) against the airport and its world, and in other struggles.
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Into the Cold: Evictions at the Albany Bulb


12.12.13 – A personal account of direct defense of people’s homes on the Albany Bulb on December 10th. This action comes shortly after Bulb defenders built rock barricades to halt police from entering the Bulb (see previous FireWorks feature), a squatter community and autonomous space known for its art and sculptures made out of the former landfill. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, residents and supporters organized a ‘Festival of Resistance’ at the Bulb which included workshops, film showings on land struggles and battles against gentrification, and art and history tours. The City of Albany has recently attempted to push Bulb residents into a ‘transitional shelter,’ which is made up of gender segregated jail-like bunk beds. Few have taken the city’s offer and many remain committed to staying in their homes of many years.

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NDDL: Everyone to Nantes on February 22nd- callout for a march (fr/en/it/gr/es)


L’Etat et les pro-aéroports menacent de passer de nouveau en force. Ils prétendent débuter, dans les mois qui viennent, la destruction des espèces protégées et les chantiers de l’aéroport. Une nouvelle vague d’expulsion pourrait survenir. Nous ne les laisserons pas faire ! Les travaux ne commenceront pas ! Sur place, le mouvement est plus vivant encore qu’à l’automne 2012, les liens plus denses, les champs plus cultivés et les habitats plus nombreux… Au delà, plus de 200 comités locaux se sont créés, en solidarité avec la lutte et pour la faire essaimer par chez eux.
Continue reading NDDL: Everyone to Nantes on February 22nd- callout for a march (fr/en/it/gr/es)