Lucy E. Parsons (1884)
A word to the 30,000 now tramping the streets of this great
city, with hands in pockets, gazing listlessly about you at the
evidences of wealth and pleasure of which you own no part, not
sufficient even to purchase yourself a bit of food with which to
appease the pangs of hunger now gnawing at your vitals. It is
with you and the hundreds of thousands of others similarly situ-
ated in this great land of plenty, that I wish to have a word.
Continue reading A Word to Tramps →

Emma Goldman
El obrero, cuya fuerza y musculatura son tan admiradas por los pálidos y enclenques hijos de los ricos, y que sin embargo cuya labor apenas le trae suficiente como para mantener al lobo de la inanición tras la puerta, se casa solo para tener una esposa y ama de casa, quien debe trabajar como esclava desde la mañana hasta la noche, quien debe hacer todo esfuerzo por mantener bajos los gastos. Sus nervios están tan cansados por el continuo esfuerzo por hacer que el lamentable salario de su esposo les sustente a ambos, que se torna ella irritable y ya no logra esconder su deseo de afecto por su señor y amo, quien, ¡ay! pronto llega a la conclusión de que sus esperanzas y planes se han perdido, y entonces comienza prácticamente a pensar que el matrimonio es un fracaso.
Continue reading Anarquía y la cuestión sexual →

Aaron Baron (1915)
Petizioni, proteste, risoluzioni, a centinaia di migliaia — tutto invano! I padroni trionfano: Joe Hill è morto, ammazzato, assassinato.
Continue reading Abbaiare non basta →

By Lucy E. Parsons (1884)
A word to the 35,000 now tramping the streets of this great city, with hands in pockets, gazing listlessly about you at the evidence of wealth and pleasure of which you own no part, not sufficient even to purchase yourself a bit of food with which to appease the pangs of hunger now knawing at your vitals. It is with you and the hundreds of thousands of others similarly situated in this great land of plenty, that I wish to have a word.
Continue reading To tramps, the unemployed, the disinherited, and miserable (en/fr) →

Aaron Baron
Petizioni, proteste, risoluzioni, a centinaia di migliaia — tutto invano! I padroni trionfano: Joe Hill è morto, ammazzato, assassinato.
E adesso? Cosa accadrà prossimamente? Non solo cosa, ma chi sarà il prossimo? Tu ed io, che stiamo lottando per un mondo migliore, possiamo essere i prossimi domani.
Continue reading Abbaiare non basta →
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